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When Your First Spring Training Comes To A Screeching Halt: A Rockies Minor Leaguer Tells His Story

When Your First Spring Training Comes To A Screeching Halt: A Rockies Minor Leaguer Tells His Story

Living in times of a pandemic has forced us all to rethink what normal is, making adjustments to our daily lives in an effort to slow down the spread of COVID-19 and to keep ourselves and those around us safe. For athletes who are typically in season this time of year, figuring out what to do next can prove daunting.

Not many lives are as routine-oriented as that of the professional baseball player, a necessity in a sport that features a daily grind often spanning a large chunk of the calendar year. When that routine is interrupted, ballplayers find themselves scrambling for some sense of normalcy.

But what about those whose pro journeys have just begun? 

Less than two weeks shy of his 24th birthday, Alex Achtermann is living with his parents in Colorado, the last place the 6-foot-3 right-hander expected to be as the calendar turned to April. Achtermann was taking part in his first spring training when baseball opted to shut things down due to Coronavirus, sending him back to his family’s Aurora home until further notice.

A 30th-round pick by the Rockies in last June’s amateur draft, Achtermann joined an organization that he was enamored with growing up.

“Not only did I get chosen by my childhood team, but when I reported for the summer I was going to a place I was very familiar with — Grand Junction, Colorado,” he recalled. “The drive is about four hours from my home, so I wasn’t that nervous. Close enough for my parents to make a weekend trip. I had friends in the area. It was all very common to me.”

Achtermann pitched in six Pioneer League games last season, his first taste of pro ball coming after a long and winding road.

“I attended two junior colleges and two D-II programs. Long journey for sure but I wouldn’t change one single thing about it,” he said.

Bouncing around like that can plant the seed of doubt, something Achtermann eventually learned to handle.

“There were games my senior year when I pitched and felt like I could go first overall. Then there were other times where I didn’t even think I would get recognized for accolades in my own conference,” he said. “In the end, I realized it was all about staying levelheaded. If it happened that’s something I would cherish forever. If I didn’t get the call, I was accepting of that as well.”

After spending most of the offseason training, Achtermann packed his bags and headed for Arizona.

“I still am in shock that I get to be a part of the organization I grew up starstruck and obsessed with. I bleed purple and black all the way, no doubt about it,” he said. 

It didn’t take long for his fandom and budding career to intersect in Scottsdale.

“One of my favorite moments already during this whole journey was the start of spring training. When I used to watch Rockies games on TV my favorite player ever was Ubaldo Jiménez. Little did I know, the Rockies actually signed him this offseason,” Achtermann said. “So, first day I come into lunch in Arizona, there he is, right in front of me. The guy that I grew up idolizing was eating at the same table I was. Still in shock of it all.”

The entire experience was a dream come true for Achtermann.

“Walking into the Rockies’ spring training facility was the coolest thing I have ever done. Walking in you feel this sense of pride that you’re seeing all the behind-the-scenes action of what goes on,” he said. “Things I had always wondered about. For instance, practicing on the back fields and getting to sign fans’ baseballs or take pictures, or even just a high five from a young fan. Even though at this point in my career I am a nobody, to them it doesn’t matter. So, for me, that is pretty special and something I will never take for granted.”

Early on, talk of COVID-19 among the players and staff was lighthearted, the result of not knowing just how dire the situation actually was.

“When we first came into camp, our minor league GM brought us all together and gave us a speech about the virus,” Achtermann said. “We all kind of chuckled and gave the popular joke: ‘Wouldn’t mind Coronavirus, as long as it comes with Lime Disease.’ Stupid stuff like that.”

In a matter of days, that type of dialogue was quickly replaced.

“However, the upcoming days and week we started to realize it was a little more serious than expected,” Achtermann recalled. “Specifically, the day before they sent us home we were all sitting in the locker room with MLB Network playing on every TV. I don’t think one word about the game of baseball was spoken that day.”

The questions heard most around the clubhouse at that point were: “What’s gonna happen? Are we going to be sent home? Do you think that we will get paid?”

As did most of the sports world, the dream would come to an abrupt halt — about a week before the Rockies minor leaguers were scheduled to start playing in games.

“Finally, when the news came out that we would be sent home, focus started to shift from when we are going to play to if we were going to play this season,” Achtermann said. “I think that is still on a lot of people’s minds at the moment.”

For a guy who admits that he wasn’t even among the top 20 best players on his own team during the first two years of college, Achtermann is no stranger to adversity and hard work on and off the diamond. Even so, he now finds himself in a strange spot.

“I am still trying to figure out what and how I should be preparing. A lot of guys I have watched or seen videos of, like Trevor Bauer, have talked about this being similar time periods to being in December and getting prepared for spring training again,” he said. “So I am not sure if I should be trying to fire on all cylinders every day until we get called back, or still ease into things.”

At a minimum, workouts are essential while in limbo. Even those come with their own unique difficulties, however, including lack of gym access as well as wintry weather.

“As for trying to stay in shape, this first week has been very difficult and has forced me to become extremely creative in my process,” Achtermann said a few days after returning home. “I have been foced to create my own little gym in the basemen with bands, a few dumbbells and my own makeshift barbell — a broom handle and 5-gallon buckets with rice. It is not ideal by any means but it definitely gets the job done for the time being.”

Perhaps more importantly than keeping his body ready, Achtermann has to approach mental fitness with a similar creativity.

“Mentally, this has been such a confusing time for me. On one hand I am disappointed because this virus has taken away baseball, our social interactions with teammates and the chance of a lifetime with my first spring training. On the other hand, I am trying to keep a positive mindset on all of this,” he said. “It’s not like I am a victim in all of this. Every single American is dealing with this right now so what’s my excuse?”

Achtermann has even found a silver lining.

“That being said, this might almost be an advantage for a lot of guys. We were able to go into spring training for a few weeks, understand the routines, then go home for another two months to prepare,” he said. “It’s almost like being in high school and getting to view the answers to the test before you take it. There is no reason I should be surprised by anything in the coming months regarding baseball.”

Finances are another concern, even with the $400-per week-stipend that MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred announced would be paid through at least May 31. 

“There is no doubt in my mind that I am going to need some sort of job when I am home. During the offseason I worked at a hospital doing valet. That actually paid very well. However, during this time I don’t think that is the safest place for my health so I don’t think I will be going back,” Achtermann said. “I also did some coaching, but thanks to the virus that has been put on hold as well. With those two jobs being unavailable, I have no idea where I can apply that is going to hire me for a 1-2 month period of time.

To add to the uncertainty, Achtermann is not sure where he’ll report when (or if) the actual minor league season commences in 2020.

“No one knew where they were going if the season started up. We were supposed to be told toward the end of March or early April,” he said. “As of now, we still have not heard what they are going to do about that.”

Baseball will return. When that is is anybody’s guess. In the meantime, Achtermann is counting his blessings.

“I can’t lie. I have been very fortunate throughout the entire process. I am able to travel back home to be with my parents, rent-free,” he said. “My parents have always been so supportive of my dreams in baseball and they understand that this time is going to be hard physically, emotionally and financially. So, anything that they can do to take a little pressure off me they will do, no questions asked.”




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