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While Discussing Hate, The Internet Falls In Love With A Little Doll Named Zoe

While Discussing Hate, The Internet Falls In Love With A Little Doll Named Zoe

Yelitsa Jean-Charles fired off the fateful tweet this past weekend from an unsuspecting place: an air mattress on the floor of her recently acquired—and not yet completely furnished—Detroit apartment. She’d noticed artists posting pictures of themselves next to their work, and Jean-Charles, 26, had something that she also wanted to proudly show off, an object near to her heart and one that she figured might resonant given current events in America. So she posted side-by-side pictures of herself and Zoe, the figurine made by her startup, Healthy Roots Dolls.

“I redesigned Rapunzel,” Jean-Charles explains. “I turned her into a little brown girl with kinky, curly, beautiful natural hair because we can be beautiful princesses too.”

The internet could not seem to agree more. Jean-Charles’ tweet about Zoe went absolutely viral, catapulting Healthy Roots Dolls’ revenue along with it. It has been retweeted 123,000 times, garnering nearly 1 million likes. Healthy Roots Dolls, meanwhile, received the same amount of purchases it would typically see over months in the span of 48 hours, several hundred orders for Zoe, which costs $79.99.

Even before Jean-Charles’ tweet, Healthy Roots Dolls was near the end of its supply of Zoes. It now faces several months of backlogged demand. Some of this is undoubtedly driven, at least partly, by a desire to latch onto something as whimsical and pure as a child’s toy while America sits engulfed in a dark discussion about race. Zoe stands as a 18-inch beacon of light that better days may lie ahead.

“I know as a little girl, we had a little baby black boy, a Cabbage Patch Kid. Other than that, every doll I ever had was a white Barbie,” says the venture capitalist Arlan Hamilton. Her Los Angeles-based Backstage Capital has put $125,000 into Healthy Roots Dolls since 2017, about a quarter of the total funds that Jean-Charles has raised. “We are in pain about our own erasure. We think about the fact that our own childhoods were so bereft of images of ourselves. And we want to be able to give that to our children.”

Jean-Charles, whose parents immigrated from Haiti and is in the first generation of her family to attend college, came up with the idea for Zoe while studying illustration at the Rhode Island School of Design. She’d intended to pursue a career animating video games or maybe drawing children’s books. But at school she began toying with the concept of a black doll that better resembled herself and other black people.

She’s not the first to think along these lines, though big companies that came before her proceeded differently. Bratz won a lot of applause in the 90s and early aughts for its line of multi-racial dolls, though none of them looked particularly lifelike with cartoonishly large, almond-shaped eyes and exaggerated outfits. Mattel, the maker of Barbie, produced its first black doll, Christie, in 1968, but she and later efforts are often dismissed as token gestures—as Hamilton puts it, a “white Barbie painted” a different color.

Two movements prompted Jean-Charles to devote herself to coming up with Zoe. One, the beginning of the Black Lives Matter protests, which she threw herself into passionately after the death of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014. The other was the recent widespread shift among people of color toward natural hair, rejecting decades of styles that revolved around white-centric looks featuring straight hair. Jean-Charles could stare down aisles at Target
full of natural hair products—meant to allow curly hair to grow artfully voluminous—and see a potential demand for dolls like Zoe.

Jean-Charles began working on a doll in her junior year, winning some early support among her white peers, who suggested to her that she drop out to pursue Zoe full time, an idea Jean-Charles finds laughable. “I was like, Do you know how much money my parents paid for college? My island parents did not come to this country for me to drop out,” she says. During school and immediately afterward, she went through a series of startup accelerators, including Backstage Capital’s and a Durham, North Carolina one called Startup Stampede. For a time, she held down a job as a graphic designer, a role she was fired from. It was a blessing in disguise, she says, since it allowed her to concentrate fully on her startup since December 2017.

Zoe is sold entirely through Healthy Roots Dolls’ website. Christmas 2019 and a hard-won partnership with Proctor & Gamble
’s My Black is Beautiful campaign—a doll came clad in a shirt emblazoned with the consumer products giant’s slogan—already seemed like high-water marks before this past weekend’s explosion. It is all proving out Jean-Charles’ instinct that the market for Zoe is bigger than some early potential investors believed. “There’s been a lot of people turning her down over the years, and most of the people are white men,” says Hamilton, the VC. “Their reasoning is that they don’t see a market for it. They just don’t have the imagination for this.”

The best and most successful toys are born with a fully spun back story in their creator’s mind—the better to build out the product line and extend the brand. And Jean-Charles has given Zoe’s careful consideration. “Zoe’s story is: She went to the salon. She saw this woman with these big, beautiful natural curls and turns to her mother and says, ‘Oh my God, why doesn’t my hair look like that?’” Jean-Charles recounts. “They go through this process of going natural, and her and her mother together learn how to take care of her garden.”

Next is a children’s book, Jean-Charles says, and then possibly a male doll. “Maybe her cousin from Brazil, Paulo,” she says, thinking out loud. For now, the recent surge in orders means she’d like to make some full-time hires. Healthy Roots Dolls is, at this point, a company comprised solely of her and some part-time customer service people. She also wants to consider selling in big-box retailers, one of the biggest channels for a toy company. Jean-Charles would particularly like to partner with Target, which has won a reputation as something of an enthusiastic backer of new products, including natural hair goods.

Before much else happens, Jean-Charles must iron out her supply chain. She hadn’t expected needing to ship internationally, and purchases have come in from Brazil, South Africa and parts of Europe. “I’m gonna specifically ask you to put this in the article: Please tell them that we are working on international shipping. We’re working on it,” she says. “I feel like Rihanna, where people are like, Where’s the album?”



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