Home Business White House Uses Footage Of Trump’s Controversial Church Visit For Promotional Video

White House Uses Footage Of Trump’s Controversial Church Visit For Promotional Video



The White House released a cheery promotional video on Wednesday showing President Trump’s heavily criticized visit to Lafayette Square last month, where federal authorities used tear gas to remove a group of protesters so the president could pose in front of a church.


Set to an upbeat, motivational song, the video shows Trump walking to St. John’s Eoiscopal Church with an entourage, holding up a Bible and pumping his fist at heavily armed officers before returning to the White House. 

What the video doesn’t include is footage from less than an hour before when federal authorities used tear gas and rubber bullets to sweep the area of peaceful protesters. 

The June 1 visit has been dogged by controversy, firstly, because of the White House and Trump campaign’s repeated denial that tear gas was used at the scene despite confirmation from the U.S. Park Police, and then again as those who accompanied the president began to express regret for their involvement. 

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Mark A. Milley, seen wearing combat uniform in the background of the new promotional video and in several widely circulated photos, said after the fact he “should not have been there” and Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper has also attempted to distance himself from the event. 

Joe Biden’s campaign quickly jumped on what was largely perceived as an embarrassing fumble for Trump, releasing a video that used images of the day’s violent chaos with a narrator calling him “weak” for using tear gas and flash grenades on peaceful protesters “just for a photo op.”

Crucial Quote

Despite the backlash, Trump has stood by how the day unfolded, telling Fox News in an interview: “I think it was a beautiful picture.” 

Chief Critic 

“History picks these moments,” said Stuart Stevens, a Republican strategist who works for the anti-Trump Lincoln Project. “It picked the march on Selma. It picked Bull Connor sending dogs against children. It picked the burning child from Vietnam.”

Key Background 

Nearly a month after the event, the infamous photo-op continues to attract criticism. A House committee began hearings Monday on the violent removal of protesters. Trump’s reactions in the days following the death of George Floyd have also come under fire—particularly his deployment of troops to Washington, D.C., to quell demonstrations. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser described the use of force as a “political stunt” and asked Trump to withdraw “all extraordinary federal law enforcement and military presence.” The Associated Press confirmed Thursday prior reports that some of the service members sent to the capitol during this time were issued bayonets. 

Further Reading: 

“Lafayette Square clash, still reverberating, becomes an iconic episode in Donald Trump’s presidency” (The Washington Post) 

“How Trump’s Idea for a Photo Op Led to Havoc in a Park” (The New York Times) 

“AP EXCLUSIVE: Soldiers were issued bayonets for DC unrest” (The Associated Press) 



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