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Why It’s Even Harder To Find A Nintendo Switch Than Toilet Paper Right Now

Why It’s Even Harder To Find A Nintendo Switch Than Toilet Paper Right Now

I bought some toilet paper at the grocery store the other day. It was a small victory. Indeed, it was a small pack of toilet paper and of the “just in case” variety. We weren’t out. We haven’t hoarded, either. But I figured that since this was the first time there was toilet paper on the shelf, I might as well buy some. Just to be safe.

Toilet paper shortages have been one of the odder phenomenons of the COVID-19 / coronavirus pandemic. There are a number of explanations for why toilet paper disappeared from store shelves and why it hasn’t really ever come back (except occasionally, in small quantities).

The first is that we had a run on toilet paper—similar to that scene in It’s A Wonderful Life when people made a run on the banks when they heard that there wasn’t enough money left to guarantee everyone’s deposits. It’s a panic reaction based in part on reasonable assumptions and partly on irrational fear.

Basically a run looks like this: Some early worriers decide that they want to stock up on essentials because they see the writing on the wall. They start buying up canned goods, toilet paper and so forth. Other people start to notice that the toilet paper aisle is looking a little thin, or they read somewhere that people are starting to stock up or hoard toilet paper, and they think to themselves “I should buy some extra, just to make sure.”

Things escalate and pretty soon you have images of shoppers with twenty cases of TP in their carts, or this woman who inexplicably bought out an entire Dollar Tree worth of toilet paper and other similar goods.

This was accompanied by a run on other paper products like paper towels, tissues and baby wipes. Even bidets—a truly magnificent invention—saw price-gouging and shortages. (One silver-lining of this is an uptick in bidets in American households—if you don’t have one yet, do your butt a favor and get one!)

The second factor with the toilet paper shortage is due to limitations on the supply side. Toilet paper companies essentially produce and manufacture two different kinds of toilet paper—the type consumers buy for home use and the type purchased by businesses to use in venues, office buildings, restaurants and movie theaters.

Now suddenly there’s this very different consumer demand skewed much more heavily toward home use. Demand has dropped off for commercial toilet paper since all the restaurants and movie theaters and sports venues are closed. Demand for home use toilet paper, even beyond the initial hoarding period, has spiked. People are going number two at home more than ever and using toilets at work and elsewhere far less.

But toilet paper manufacturers can’t simply switch up their operations overnight, and many probably haven’t even tried because there’s so much uncertainty over how long this will last. They produce as much as they can and they still have to fulfill all their orders to existing customers before they can ramp up sales to new customers or increase order amounts significantly.

So the shortage exists both because of hoarders/price-gougers and because of a very real increase in demand on toilet paper for home use as opposed to commercial use. This means the shortage will likely continue for some time. That’s the bad news and I’m afraid I don’t have any good news.

The Nintendo Switch Shortage

Similar factors are driving the short supply of Nintendo Switch consoles, though they differ in significant ways.

The Nintendo Switch was a fairly high-demand item prior to the global pandemic and stay-at-home orders. Before there were social distancing policies, the Nintendo Switch was already selling faster than any other console. By January, approximately 52 million Nintendo Switch unites had been sold.

With so many people stuck at home with little to do other than home improvement projects, Netflix and video games it’s only natural to see an increase in Switch sales.

Natural consumer demand led to many retail outlets—especially online outlets—to run out of stock fairly quickly as stay-at-home orders started sweeping the nation and the globe. Once people heard that the Switch was selling out, they felt more of a need to purchase one as quickly as possible. Supply dwindled and prices started to rise.

This shortage was heightened by the supply side’s inability to keep up with demand. Nintendo is a Japanese company but the Switch, like so many other gadgets and gizmos, is manufactured in China which shut down much of its manufacturing industry as the government attempted to stall the coronavirus outbreak.

Even as Chinese manufacturing recovers, global demand for many products—the Nintendo Switch not included—has dropped off, and China is facing what could be the end of its three-decade global manufacturing dominance. That uncertainty poses a real problem for the Chinese government and manufacturing industry.

This is, clearly, a very bad combination of factors. Increased demand with no supply side capacity to meet that demand topped off by a general slump in Chinese manufacturing and an ongoing pandemic with no end in sight.

Other console makers are experiencing similar issues, with Sony scaling back its ambitions for the PlayStation 5 in 2020. (As a side-note, I still think it’s possible the PS5 or Xbox Series X will launch in 2020, not because of manufacturing issues but because factors like increased component cost and decreased consumer demand could mean both systems would either have to be sold at a loss or would simply not sell nearly as many units as first predicted).

But it doesn’t stop there. Unlike toilet paper, there’s another reason that the Nintendo Switch is in such short supply—or, rather, that the short supply of Nintendo Switch has little chance of being alleviated any time soon.

A recent report from Vice has revealed that there are technological hurdles to normal consumers actually being able to purchase a Nintendo Switch in the first place. Namely, there are Switch-purchasing bots being used to buy the video game system in bulk before it ever reaches normal consumers. These bots will buy up stock from Walmart or Best Buy and then resellers will sell them on eBay or Amazon Marketplace at a huge premium—often as high as $500 (over a $300 MSRP).

(Note: Do not pay people this much money for a Nintendo Switch. It isn’t worth it. There are other video game systems to play on, including PC).

A new, free bot called Bird Bot is the latest culprit, enabling resellers to snatch up stock without having to pay for the software. On the other hand, using this software could enable some consumers to find one of the hard to get consoles for themselves.

Hundreds of people are using Bird Bot and other tools to source the Nintendo Switch online, as well as other hot commodities like the Oculus VR headset and webcams (whose popularity is on the rise thanks to social distancing).

From the report:

Bird Bot users are managing to source Switches in bulk, according to screenshots shared in the Discord, especially in the “#success” channel. On Thursday night, one moderator of the community posted a Walmart link in the “#important” section of the Discord, adding, “@everyone in stock.” Within minutes of Motherboard checking the link, all of the Switches had been sold. The bot herders don’t always win though: some users reported cancelled orders from retailers.”

Other resellers are using the tool Brickseek to find the Nintendo Switch at local brick-and-mortar retailers and buying it up in quantity that way in order to sell the system online at exorbitant prices.

This is price-gouging in the age of technology—something typically seen with sneakers and concert tickets, but not video game consoles. It’s akin to people going into a store and buying up all the toilet paper, but doing so with a piece of software from the comfort of their own home.

This means that even if Nintendo is able to get more supply to retailers, which it plans to do by June, it’s entirely possible that resellers using bots will buy it all up. That’s a frustrating possibility for normal gamers who just want to get their hands on a Nintendo Switch and not pay ridiculous sums of money for it.

The flipside to all of this is that demand could easily drop off and leave resellers with a bunch of consoles that they can’t sell. If the economic downturn continues, which seems increasingly likely, and stimulus money dries up without another wave of stimulus from the government, many people simply won’t be able to buy a Nintendo Switch to begin with, let alone at outrageous prices.

And if Nintendo really is able to return stock levels to normal by flooding the market with millions of new consoles, this will leave price-gougers high and dry. I would shed no tears.



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