Home Business Why The San Francisco Giants Are Changing Andrew Suarez’ Pitch Mix

Why The San Francisco Giants Are Changing Andrew Suarez’ Pitch Mix

Why The San Francisco Giants Are Changing Andrew Suarez’ Pitch Mix

It’s easy, from our armchairs, to say that a pitcher should throw more of what works and less of what doesn’t. The San Francisco Giants are (or were, before the novel coronavirus haulted the baseball season and much of normal society) working with starting pitcher Andrew Suarez to make that sort of change, but it’s not necessarily the one an observer might think: they want him to drop his main pitch – his two-seam fastball (classified as a sinker by some systems) – for a four-seamer and more offspeed pitches. The hope is that it will improve him against righthanded batters, who gave him all sorts of trouble last season.

The thing is, the four-seamer wasn’t any kind of savior. While the two-seamer gave up a rough .302 average, .524 slugging last season, the four-seamer was almost a batting practice pitch: it got hit for a .467/1.067 line. The pitches were much more similar, results-wise, in a much bigger sample in 2018, but that still doesn’t answer the question of why the Giants want to see more four-seamers.

The best guess is that it will set up his other pitches more effectively. The four-seamer, while roughly as fast, moves less horizontally and vertically than its counterpart. While movement is generally a good thing, the two-seamer provides less contrast to his changeup. While the changeup elicited whiffs, it was a surprisingly ineffective put away pitch (according to Statcast’s metric by the same name). In 17 plate appearances that ended with a Suarez changeup, only one was a strikeout. If the changeup can become a weapon, he can pair it with his slider against righties to keep hitters off balance. Because his changeup is only five miles per hour slower than his harder offerings (ten is believed to be ideal), he needs to find other ways to separate those pitches.

Who knows if it will work, but it’s worth a try. A once-promising prospect, Suarez is looking to reestablish himself after an ugly 2019, when he put a 5.79 ERA with peripherals to back it up. He turned 27 in September, which isn’t old, but it’s not young either. Suarez isn’t in danger of falling out of the Major Leagues, but he could lose his grip on his role as a starting pitcher. Giants Manager Gabe Kapler has mentioned the possibility of using him in a hybrid role – sometimes a starter, sometimes a reliever. He did so in 2019, and Kapler seems to favor flexibility in general, so a similar role seems likely this season.

If he could gain a couple of ticks on his four-seamer by pitching in shorter stints, that could make it a more effective pitch while helping his secondary stuff play up. Suarez doesn’t have overpowering stuff, but he does have a few offerings that can be effective in concert if he can find the right mix. The change that the Giants are trying out may or may not be the right one, but tinkering is the thing to do here, because he can be a real value once they hit on the right role and pitch mix.




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