Home Business Winners And Losers When Oil Tanks Are Full

Winners And Losers When Oil Tanks Are Full

Winners And Losers When Oil Tanks Are Full

In the 1980s, a number of OPEC companies decided to invest in the downstream industry, building or buying refineries partly to increase their share of the ‘value-added’ to the raw material, but also, for some, to provide ‘demand security.’ This concept was generally derided by economists, who insisted that demand could always be found—at the right price. This time is different.

Granted, the pandemic is probably not what the national oil companies had in mind, but it does raise the question of how different companies will be affected when oil storage fills up and some producers are forced to shut their wells in. (The days of dumping oil in the local creek are long past, even under the current Administration.) An integrated major that sends all of its oil to its own refineries knows that they will continue to accept as much oil as they can, whereas a company that is only in the upstream and sells its product on the spot market will be disproportionately damaged, as they could find that most or all of their customers vanish.

The smaller OPEC players, such as Angola and Nigeria, sell most of their production as crude, whereas some others, like Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, have domestic and foreign refineries and joint ventures which take up much of their crude supply. Iraq relies the most on sales of crude, but it’s not clear which countries sell how much into the spot market. (The figure below compares domestic refinery capacity for OPEC members and their new quotas.)

The size of the global spot market is uncertain; data is not collected and there is confusion about spot versus short-term contracts. There is a good review of the history by the Financial Times’ Izabella Kaminska from 2013, but even she notes that data is largely absent.


The spot market boomed in the 1980s and apparently reached somewhere around 30% of the world oil market, but the current level is unknown. Countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia have been working to increase their sales under long-term agreements, but again, data is sparse to non-existent.

However, with oil demand down about 25%, most of that will come out of the spot market. Trading in oil will almost certainly decline dramatically, and traders will find that the oversupply translates into few purchases. Once demand has recovered and the inventory glut begins to work off, traders should see a pickup in their business, but that might not be for several months.

Storage owners will naturally benefit, and this includes those who own tankers that are used for floating storage. Pipelines will be different: as far as I know, if pipeline throughput declines, the owners are not paid for the oil they are holding in the pipes. (The amount in the pipe doesn’t change, but the rate of flow slows.) Of course, when demand picks up, there will be a period of lower volumes in transit while inventories are drawn down, which should see tanker rates drop back to normal levels and perhaps below.

Lastly, merchant refiners who sell much of their output on the spot market to gas station chains are likely to find their customers evaporating. Of course, the retail gasoline market has become dominated by independents, with the major oil companies divesting most of their owned stations long ago, but many franchisees will have purchase agreements with their franchiser.



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