Home Business With NBA Facing New Uncertainty, FIBA Comes Out Against Racism

With NBA Facing New Uncertainty, FIBA Comes Out Against Racism

With NBA Facing New Uncertainty, FIBA Comes Out Against Racism

With the NBA facing new uncertainty about the resumption of its season, the governing organization for international basketball has come out against racism.

Welcome to how the world of basketball works in 2020.

Word came out Friday that many NBA players are balking at the conditions for a resumption of play in Orlando beginning at the end of August, with Kyrie Irving of the Brooklyn Nets among the most vocal question-askers.

On a call involving about 80 NBA players, Irving — one of the NBPA’s six elected vice presidents — quizzed NBPA executive director Michele Roberts and president Chris Paul on the mechanics and rules expected to govern teams, players and the bubble environment, ESPN reported.

It is unknown whether Irving’s position is shared by a majority of NBA players, but this is what passes for normal in the most abnormal of years. The league has been dormant since early March when the coronavirus pandemic hit the United States hard, and NBA players are now transfixed by the protests taking place around the United States and other parts of the world following the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police.

Amid the unrest, FIBA president Hamane Niang issued an open letter condemning racism. calling on the global basketball community to be part of the change in society.

“FIBA is a politically neutral organization, as we want basketball to build a more cohesive future, not contribute to, or even further, political divisions,” Niang wrote. “However, this does not mean staying silent on the issue of racism. FIBA unequivocally condemns all forms of discrimination as an attack on an individual’s basic human rights. There is no place for this in basketball, in sport, or in any aspect of society.

“Recent events are a strong reminder that society, including sport, can always do more to build a stronger and more unified community. Our statutes are clear in expressing zero tolerance towards racism and FIBA will always fight discrimination of any kind.

“However, racism is not a problem that can be solved overnight nor is it a problem isolated to one country; it is a global issue.

“The protests have encouraged us to be introspective and ask ourselves the question, ‘Is FIBA doing enough to combat racism?’ The FIBA Executive Committee met today and reflected on our existing initiatives that target inclusivity, equal opportunity and greater representation, before identifying where the organization can do more for the basketball community. We are a global organization and so we must reflect and celebrate the world’s rich diversity.

“We cannot rest until racism is no longer a part of society. That is why today I am asking you, the basketball community, to be a part of the change. FIBA will work with its Players Commission to develop concrete actions against racism in basketball. And while it is important for FIBA to lead, it is equally important for us to listen. We, therefore, encourage the members of the basketball community to write to FIBA and share your experiences and ideas. This is fundamental to ensuring progression and togetherness.”

With the NBA still six weeks away from resuming, Floyd’s death and the pandemic continued to occupy the minds of players.

Milwaukee’s George Hill, discussing the current status of black people in America on Friday morning during a video conference panel presented by Amp Harris Productions, shared his personal experience with racism while growing up in Indiana and offered his thoughts about the NBA’s scheduled return.

“If I didn’t have that talent, I possibly would’ve been that George Floyd. I possibly would’ve been all my family members that got gunned down in the streets in Indianapolis. So, yes, this for me, it impacts me even more because I’ve seen the killing going on, and I’ve seen the police brutality,” Hill said before getting choked up. “I’ve seen that my cousin is laying in the street for an hour and a half before another police officer gets there. I’ve seen that. So, I get emotional because it really hurts. I’ve got interracial kids, and I’m scared just for my whole life,” Hill said.

“You’re supposed to look at all these situations as learning lessons, but you’re like, ‘When is learning enough? Like when is it enough? Like when are we going to be tired of this? How do we change the narrative?’ So, for me, it’s just tough, Hill said, according to ESPN.

“That’s a hard question when everyone just says, ‘Shut up and dribble,'” he continued, referring to an admonishment that Fox News personality Laura Ingraham made when LeBron James criticized President Trump. “No, I’m not going to shut up and dribble. I don’t care if you take my contract, I don’t care if you say that I’m this or that, I’m human. I have a heart. I have a pulse. I have emotions. I’m a man. I have kids. I’m a father. I have a wife. I have friends. I have loved ones. It means [something] to me. I’m not going to just shut up and dribble.”



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