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Without A Vaccine, There Is No Way College Athletes Can Play This Fall


I realize that headline is jarring. What? No college athletics this fall? How can you say that? How can you make a pronouncement like that? I get it. It’s tough to write. But let me explain.

I spent 16 years as a head coach in NCAA Division I and Division III. I have spent more time on road trips, at practices, in training rooms, weight rooms, team meeting rooms, and other athletic facilities than most people. In addition, I have spent 30+ years on college campuses, large ones and very small ones. So, I bring deep experience to this discussion.

I need to get institutional leaders to examine this issue from a very granular level; it’s the only way to really get at the answer as to whether college sports can compete this fall.

The University of Missouri just announced a partial re-opening of their South End Zone inside Memorial Stadium. The Missourian wrote “The athletic facility’s soft reopening comes as the university continues to work on a plan to “repopulate the campus,” according to MU spokesman Christian Basi. The timeline on that plan is still uncertain.”

Consider this: from the time they arrive for preseason practice until the end of the season, college athletes are in the same physical space with someone, or something touched by many another human beings. Think about these areas of a practice facility alone:

·     The equipment room—all equipment is stored and washed every day in one area for multiple teams-how will that area be sanitized? Tested?

·     A training room—tables and carts, machines, whirlpools, scales, floors, doors—how many times a day will all surfaces be wiped down?

·     Weight rooms—cleaning staff will need to follow behind every athlete to clean each weight bench, strength machine, platform, stretching station and treadmill;

·     Team Bus Travel-see picture above.

You get the idea. In just the four areas listed above, and if a typical fall season hosts five sports and 200 athletes, these facilities will be busy at least 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.

But the contact points don’t stop there. The practice fields are full of contact points; the equipment and game balls are touched by everyone at some point. How do you clean those?

For those athletes who don’t have access to athlete only dining halls, they will travel back to campus to eat. Will every single food worker be temperature tested every day?

From there, they travel to their residence halls or apartments. Again, more contact points. Who do their roommates interact with? Who cleans the apartment? Are the dishes cleaned at a temperature that kills the bacteria? Does anyone accidently share glasses or silverware? And what do they do between the time they arrive home and the next practice? Go out with friends? And the cycle continues.

We haven’t described a typical classroom space, or coffee shop, or group study room, or even the lounge furniture. Consider how many people intersect in those spaces daily. How thoroughly are those spaces cleaned? Once per day? Five times per day?

Here’s the bottom line, and the part that concerns me the most. After accounting for all of those contact points in just one day, multiply it by the number of athletes, trainers, assistant coaches, managers on each team. Next, consider this scenario:

One person, somehow, comes into contact with a virus carrier, and brings the virus to the squad the next day. In 2-5 days, the normal incubation period, that one person has potentially infected many other people inside that team. Some show symptoms, some don’t. But multiple players become carriers.

Those carriers take the virus back to the campus population. The ones showing symptoms are tested, then isolated, and contact tracing begins. It is obvious that this original person who was initially infected may now force the entire team to go into quarantine for 14 days (and potentially other non-athletes).

At that point, the athletic department will need to adjust season start plans. Opposing teams will need to be contacted and decisions made about the future of in season contests. Will there be enough players to play? Is the coach quarantined? The athletic trainer?

Then, here come the public relations conundrums. What to say to the media? We didn’t think it could happen to us? We took every precaution by cleaning every facility every day?

The families of the athletes will be furious they allowed their son or daughter into this situation. “They would have been safer at home,” they mutter to themselves. “How could X University have been so shortsighted?”, they wonder aloud.

We have to be smarter than this.

Please don’t think I’m being overly dramatic. This is a virus that has no known vaccine, no known cure. We know it spreads from person to person. The Centers for Disease Control states: “Some recent studies have suggested that COVID-19 may be spread by people who are not showing symptoms.” College athletes being directed to come back to campus to start the season (creating the sense that campus will return to normal in Fall 2020), is not only wrong, it is exploitation of the highest order.

What do you say to your professional staff if this happens? To the equipment manager who stays onsite and interacts with hundreds of athletes, sweaty equipment and laundry after every practice? Or the assistant coach, who worries about bringing the virus home to his own small children? Or the athletic trainer who is also taking care of an aging parent with co-morbidities?

We have to be smarter than this.

I struggled to write this article. It’s tough to be so blunt with something that is so invisible. But we are supposed to be intelligent leaders. We are supposed to care deeply about our student’s health and well-being. If we bring college athletes back to campus before it is really, truly safe, we are allowing them to be human Guinea pigs. And that’s just not right.

The Chronicle of Higher Education has been keeping track of colleges who have made an announcement about their plans for Fall 2020.



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