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Work from home: Companies set work from home hours to protect personal time | India Business News – Times of India

Work from home: Companies set work from home hours to protect personal time | India Business News – Times of India
MUMBAI: The line where work life ends and personal life begins in a work-from-home (WFH) set-up may have blurred for many. Some organisations are now clearly demarcating such boundaries through new policies around working hours, leaves and work etiquette.
General Mills has introduced a ‘No meeting Fridays’ from 2pm onwards. PepsiCo, which has guidelines in place to ensure stretch breaks in between meetings, is further reviewing policies to maintain higher productivity levels through positive engagement of its employees. Godrej Industries Limited and Associate Companies (GILAC) is using feedback that emerges from conversations with employees to co-create new ways of working, designed for longer term WFH set-ups.
At Mondelez, leaders role model ‘Do Nothing Days’ and ‘Line of Closing’ to make colleagues feel at ease about defining an end to their work day or to take a day off when they feel the need. Tata Group company Voltas, too, has come up with etiquette suggestions for employees to proficiently work from a home office. KPMG has encouraged employees to not fix any meetings or calls on October 1 so that they can take a clear break, given that October 2 is a public holiday just before the weekend.

With rising incidences of stress levels among employees, the scope of such measures by organisations has only expanded.
General Mills VP & MD (AMEA) Balki Radhakrishnan said the company’s ‘No meetings Fridays’ concept is designed for employees to take a few hours near the weekend to work differently and focus on recharging and reflecting on the week that has gone by. This is meant to re-energise people for the week ahead, said Radhakrishnan.
The new ways of working at GILAC include respecting weekends and non-working days and avoiding calls, meetings or requests over e-mails during these days. Working hour boundaries — for example, no meeting or calls before 9:30am and after 7pm — are agreed upon. Each team member is encouraged to take a day off at least once a month for personal pursuits. With mental well-being being a focus area, GILAC head of group HR & corporate services, Sumit Mitra, speaks one-on-one to people who are dealing with any personal challenges.
At Voltas, etiquette suggestions to proficiently work from a home office include disconnecting from the workspace after office hours and taking the usual short breaks that one would otherwise have in the office, such as lunch and tea time. The company recently released a ‘work from anywhere’ policy that requires employees to report to any of its 36 offices across India for eight days in a month, while continuing to work from home for the rest of the days.
In light of WFH being dialled up significantly due to Covid-19, PepsiCo India’s CHRO Pavitra Singh said the organisation continues to explore blended options to provide the necessary flexibility backed by the right infrastructure and other enablers. “We already have guidelines in place to help set work boundaries, ensure stretch breaks in between meetings and defined ‘no-meeting’ time zones to enable ‘me time’. We have also introduced 14 days of Covid leave, be it for the employee or to take care of an unwell family member,” said Singh.
To maintain good mental health and a healthy work-life balance, the Investment and Development Agency of Ireland (IDA Ireland) strictly encourages a ‘no work on weekend’ policy in addition to ensuring that employees avail their leave facility and take regular breaks. IDA Ireland India director Tanaz Buhariwalla said, “On the team-bonding front, virtual coffee breaks and quiz nights on most Fridays have been introduced to make up for the missed socialising. Various platforms have been provided for IDA colleagues globally to share experiences with all — to appreciate that all have their battles and need to find strength from each other.”



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