Home Business WWE’s Keith Lee Suggests He Was Drugged In Shocking #SpeakingOut Story

WWE’s Keith Lee Suggests He Was Drugged In Shocking #SpeakingOut Story

WWE’s Keith Lee Suggests He Was Drugged In Shocking #SpeakingOut Story

WWE NXT Superstar Keith Lee has added a new wrinkle to the #SpeakingOut controversy, becoming one of the few men in pro wrestling to share his story of sexual impropriety.

The current top NXT star and North American champion shared a lengthy post on Twitter where he detailed an incident, which he believes occurred sometime in 2016 or 2017, involving “a young lady” who was interested in him.

Lee noted he had declined her romantic advances while at a karaoke bar, before offering to buy her a drink as a peace offering, however the woman instead opted to buy him a drink.

“Unfortunately…it’s right around here things became extremely fuzzy for me,” read the statement from Lee.

“No matter how much I rack my brain, all I find myself able to recall is struggling to make it to the stage…and stumbling toward a car. After that…..I recall waking up naked in a hotel room (I don’t even recall if it was my own room), confused and in a panic.”

According to the post, Lee has stopped drinking as a result of this incident.

Lee’s account adds an entirely different dynamic to an ongoing—and very serious—narrative of sexual misconduct among male pro wrestlers and authority figures. Lee ended his story with a staunch reminder that “Anyone can be a victim. ANYONE.”

Lee made sure to preface the statement with comment that it was not out of spite, hate or anger, but because he simply wanted to remind all victims that they are not alone.

As of this writing, no information has been revealed as to the unnamed individual Lee is speaking of. WWE has released multiple statements on sexual misconduct allegations both from and against its performers. Both statements from WWE can be viewed at this link.



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