Home Entertainment ‘American Idol’ 2020 Hollywood Week Schedule: Episode 8 Time & Channel

‘American Idol’ 2020 Hollywood Week Schedule: Episode 8 Time & Channel


ABC/Eric McCandless

ABC’s singing competition reality show American Idol has one episode left of the infamous Hollywood Week where the competitors are pared down to the top 40 going into showcase week. Season 18, Episode 8 of American Idol airs on ABC at 8 p.m. ET/PT and is two hours long. 

According to the episode synopsis, the third Hollywood Week episode will feature solos from each of the performers. They’ll each be tasked with showing off their unique voices while being backed by a full band for the first time on the show.

The next round of the competition is the Showcase round, which was filmed at Aulani, a Disney Resort and Spa in Hawaii. Tonight, watch Idol to “see an unprecedented medical emergency, Katy lose it with the contestants and whether or not the remaining couple’s love will survive the latest elimination.”

Read on to learn more about tonight’s episode.

What Does the Idol 2020 Schedule Look Like?

There are just a few more episodes that will be shown before the American Idol live shows were set to begin. The live shows are in a state of flux due to the global coronavirus pandemic, but there are still some pre-taped episodes that fans can look forward to.

First, tonight’s episode features the solo round, and one impressive performance has already been released prior to the airing of the episode. Lauren Mascitti performed an original song dedicated to her grandmother, and the judges loved every second of it. The episode will be rerun on Saturday, March 28 at 9 p.m. ET/PT on ABC if you miss it the first time around.

Next week, on Sunday, March 29, we’ll see the contestants and judges all travel to Hawaii for what will be the Showcase round. The episode is titled “Showcase Round/Final Judgement,” but it’s not clear exactly which contestants will be performing at this point in time.

Idol will also air on Monday, March 30, 2020. The episode has not yet been named and no synopsis has been released, but if it goes according to the schedules of previous season, this episode should be the last of the showcase episodes. The top 20 contestants for the season will be revealed at the end of that episode. That may be the last episode of Idol that is aired for some time, however, as the production has been shut down until further notice.

Have the Live Shows Been Canceled or Postponed?

While the live shows for Idol aren’t due to start for a few weeks, sources told Billboard that the crew has been working remotely and all the contestants have been sent home as a precaution.

Live shows were set to begin sometime in April, but no additional information has become available other than other shows shutting down production. It’s likely at this point that those live shows will at the very least be delayed if not all together canceled.

Tune in to American Idol tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT to watch the Solos round of Hollywood Week.

READ NEXT: ‘American Idol’ Cast Spoilers 2020: Top 40 Contestants for Season 18




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