Home Entertainment April Fools’ Day 2020 Pranks Online to Play From Afar

April Fools’ Day 2020 Pranks Online to Play From Afar



April Fools’ Day is here, but in light of the coronavirus pandemic,  people across the globe are likely spending their day indoors. Given the state of the world, the safest way to participate in April Fools’ Day is to trick your friends and family with an online prank that doesn’t require you being there in-person.

Luckily, technology has made many things in life easier– and pranking is certainly one of them. So don’t worry if you’re stuck inside, there are still a number of ways to trick your loved ones.

Read on for some of our favorite online pranks that you can pull this year.

The Ghost App

This one’s simple and effective. Download the Scary Ghost Prank app to your computer or phone. The app allows you to add scary ghosts to your photos before and after you take them.

Grab a photo from Facebook of you and your victim, and throw in a ghost or two. Then send them the photo, and ask what’s going on in the picture.

Computer Hack

Switch Mom’s desktop background to a close-up picture of your face. She won’t know what hit her when she logs on in the morning.

Put Them On Craigslist

Craiglist is where you go for, well, everything: a roommate, to sell a TV, to find a job. Go on Craigslist and make an ad that offers your friends’ services– say, for example, that ‘Brad’ will clean your kitchen for free, or something of the sorts. When they start receiving a bunch of text and emails about cleaning someone’s kitchen, they’ll be very confused.

Random Facebook Photos

Go on Google, and find a bunch of random photos of an unknown individual. Upload them to Facebook and tag your friend in them, again and again. They’ll be confused as to why someone thinks they’re someone else.


Send your friend an e-card that says, “Congratulations!” It’s important that there’s nothing else on the card– just a simple, ‘Congrats!’ Then, get everyone you know to send a similar, blank ‘Congratulations’ card to your victim.

They’ll be inundated with e-cards but they’ll have no idea what they did right.

Tweet Generator

This app lets you prank friends by faking that they tweeted something that they really didn’t. Pretty much, the website lets you build a fake twitter tweet. So you can easily prank a friend if you know their handle.

READ NEXT: Last-Minute April Fools’ Day Pranks to Pull on Mom and Dad




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