Home Entertainment Are Dorinda Medley & Ramona Singer Still Friends?

Are Dorinda Medley & Ramona Singer Still Friends?

Are Dorinda Medley & Ramona Singer Still Friends?


Ramona Singer and Dorinda Medley in 2018

In the wise words of Real Housewives of New York star Dorinda Medley, “say it, forget it, write it, regret it.” Except, we’re not so sure if Medley is regretting what she wrote.

According to The Daily Mail, Ramona Singer recently unfollowed Medley on Instagram after Medley posted what Singer found to be an offensive meme towards her. On October 1, Medley posted a TikTok meme on her Instagram page that likened Singer to Donald Trump, and Medley to Joe Biden. Singer became so offended by the post that she unfollowed Medley on the platform.

However, Medley didn’t seem to have any remorse for posting the meme about her old friend. When Daily Mail reached out to her for comment about Singer unfollowing her, Medley simply said, “Oh, what a relief!” Singer, on the other hand, had more of a detailed response.

“I was hoping to move on and reconcile with Dorinda as we have been friends for several years and I cared for her deeply,” Singer told the Daily Mail. “I don’t appreciate the negative things she continues to say about me and at this point in my life I don’t need any negativity like that around me.”

This Is Not the First Time Medley Has Come After Singer on Social Media Before

This wouldn’t be the first time that Medley has shaded Singer before. On July 4, Medley tweeted that Singer needed to get a coronavirus test “ASAP.” Singer allegedly had been to the same party in The Hamptons as Kimberly Guilfoyle, an aide to Trump who tested positive for the virus after attending the party.

In the tweet, Medley wrote, “Anyone that attended Joe Farrell’s packed Hamptons party last week should get tested ASAP including @ramonasinger. Kimberly Guilfoyle, Top Fund-Raising Official for Trump Campaign, Tests Positive for Coronavirus.” 

After Medley tweeted that, many fans sided with her. One fan responded to Medley’s tweet about Singer, writing, “People should not be attending parties. Why don’t they understand that this virus has not gone away and will not go away until we all take responsibility? I hope there are not too many positive cases and everyone recovers.”

Singer Said That Medley Will Be ‘Missed’ on ‘The Real Housewives of New York’

Even though the two women have gotten into their fair share of feuds, when Medley announced that she would not be returning to The Real Housewives of New York in late August, Singer posted a tribute to her on Instagram. Singer posted a photo of the two of them holding hands.

In the caption of the photo, Singer wrote, “This photo was taken before @dorindamedley joined the show. I’ve had some wild times with her…we have had our ups and downs …Dorinda will always have a special place in my ❤️. You will be missed.” 

Medley announced her departure from the show on her Instagram page on August 25. In the caption, Medley wrote, “What a journey this has been. I have laughed and cried and tried to Make it Nice…But all things must come to an end. This was a great outlet for me to heal when my late husband Richard passed away.”

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