Home Entertainment Are Tyler Cameron & Hannah Brown Dating Again?

Are Tyler Cameron & Hannah Brown Dating Again?

Are Tyler Cameron & Hannah Brown Dating Again?


Tyler Cameron and Hannah Brown

Hannah Brown and Tyler Cameron have been spending a lot of time together, and now everyone wants to know: are they back together? The answer is no.

Even though the two have been hanging out a lot recently, their relationship is just platonic. For now.

On Thursday, a source told US Weekly, “They have a lot of love for each other. They’re great friends and have a lot of fun together. It’s as simple as that.”

The source added, “It’s been a hectic year for them both, and they finally found some time in their schedules to reconnect.”

There’s Still Hope That They Could Rekindle Their Romance

Speaking to US Weekly, the source said, “Could something happen down the line? Sure.”

Hannah Brown’s dad gave Life & Style magazine an interesting answer when asked if the two were back together. He replied, “I don’t know if I’d officially say they were back together … They’re just like two kids.”

He attempted to set the record straight by adding, “People want to read into whatever they want to read into, and we can’t stop that. But the reality is they’re friends.”

Hannah visited Tyler in Florida in early March to attend his mother’s funeral, after she sadly passed away from a brain aneurism.

She then visited Florida again on March 14, and Tyler picked Hannah up from the airport. Robert tells Life & Style Magazine that since the Cameron family is more isolated due to the Coronavirus, Hannah “decided she’d stay down there a little bit longer.”

Eyewitnesses who saw the two play volleyball together at the beach earlier this week tell E! News that while the two seem “genuinely happy” to see one another, they don’t appear romantic and there “was no PDA.”

Whether or not the two will end up dating is still up for debate, but for now, they simply seem to be enjoying one another’s company. The source tells E!, “There is definite chemistry between Hannah and Tyler, but they are not dating. They both have expressed they are not in a position to date right now but do care about each other. They have both been through a lot recently and are supporting each other through it. Tyler has definitely been leaning on Hannah and it feels very comforting to have her around. Hannah gets along with Tyler’s family and friends and everyone loves her.”

They’ve Been Flaunting Their Friendship on Social Media

On Thursday, Cameron went live with an Instagram video that showed the two working out with a group of friends, including Cameron’s roommate Matt James.

The video shows the pair doing some ab workouts and goofing off with one another between exercises.

Along with Cameron’s close friends, the former couple have even given themselves the name, “Quarantine Crew”, and have uploaded dance videos to TikTok. Check them out here.

On a recent TikTok video, which shows Hannah dancing until the video switches and Tyler is wearing Hannah’s clothes, Cameron wrote, “BREAKING: Tyler finally got into Hannah’s pants.”

Unsurprisingly, fans are loving the content. @thequarantinecrew already has over 244k followers on TikTok, and over 650k likes on their videos. Their first video has 2.2 million views to date.

READ NEXT: Hannah Brown & Tyler Cameron: Coronavirus Worry-Free In Florida [PHOTOS]




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