Home Entertainment Bachelorette Fans Instantly Slam Clare Crawley After Latest Episode

Bachelorette Fans Instantly Slam Clare Crawley After Latest Episode

Bachelorette Fans Instantly Slam Clare Crawley After Latest Episode

ABC/Maarten de Boer

Clare Crawley as ‘The Bachelorette’

Is Clare Crawley the worst Bachelorette of all time? That is just one of the accusations being lobbed at the current lead of the dating franchise tonight as viewers were quick to lambast her on social media.

This season, filmed unlike any other amidst the COVID-19 pandemic causing production delays and preventing international travel, seems to have thrown out the rule book in nearly every way. Even the social constructs of group dates are not being upheld. The clear frontrunner, Dale Moss, continued to monopolize Crawley’s time, much to her delight.

It was clear the contestants were becoming annoyed, as Crawley constantly brought up Moss’ name in conversation, snuck away to giggle together and overall seemed only interested in his company. They were seemingly not alone, as fans were lobbing biting criticism of her acting like a mean girl, being clownish or just being plain disrespectful.

Here are some of the harsh words being thrown at Crawley:

One Claimed Crawley Was the Worst Bachelorette

As Twitter user Chase Kuwitzky wrote, “I don’t want to call it early, but in a bizarre turn of events, I think this photo shows both the worst Bachelor AND Bachelorette of all time,” along with a photo of Crawley and former Bachelor Juan Pablo Galavis.

Fans will recall Crawley first appeared on Galavis’ season of The Bachelor, famously telling him “I thought I knew what kind of man you were. What you just made me go through, I would never want my children having a father like you.”

Kuwitzky’s sentiment was shared by others, such as Camille Wilson, who wrote, “Juan Pablo watching this season knowing he’s no longer the most hated in the franchise.”

Many Called Crawley out for Being Disrespectful

Fans of The Bachelorette wasted no time to share their opinion on social media. Among the most common of the comments, Crawley was called disrespectful.

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