Home Entertainment Best April Fools’ Pranks for Work & Jokes on Coworkers 2020

Best April Fools’ Pranks for Work & Jokes on Coworkers 2020

Best April Fools’ Pranks for Work & Jokes on Coworkers 2020


April Fools’ Day will be celebrated on April 1, 2020.

April Fools’ Day, the absurdist holiday of pranks and jokes, has arrived in 2020, in the midst of the pandemic spread of coronavirus. While normally, people are playing tricks on their co-workers at the office, things will be a little different this year. Pranks between co-workers can still take place on April 1, whether you’re working remotely or heading into a workplace not shut down by COVID-19 guidelines.

Due to these uncertain times, skip out on joking that you’ve come down with coronavirus. If you think people will find it funny if you pretend to cough or sneeze on people — these “jokes” will 100 percent fail. Due to coronavirus, even Google announced that it would be taking the year off April Fools’ Day. Business Insider obtained an internal e-mail that said Google will “take the year off from that tradition out of respect for all those fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. Our highest goal right now is to be helpful to people, so let’s save the jokes for next April, which will undoubtedly be a whole lot brighter than this one.”

So, what pranks can you get away with at the workplace without everyone hating you afterward? What won’t get you in trouble with the boss? Finding ways to laugh is so important, even during a pandemic, but make sure to assess your audience before pulling any kind of prank.

Here are all the best ways to play jokes on your co-workers:

Zoom Or Facetime Conference Call Pranks For People Working Remotely

For those that have to show face remotely during the workday on Wednesday, there are a ton of fun things to do while on camera during Zoom or Facetime that will have everyone in stitches.

– Show up on video with a morning cocktail, bloody mary, or an entire bottle of whiskey visible on camera.

– Make a huge fart noise while someone is speaking. Saying, “Oh my God, can you smell that?” is fun because… they can’t. Also, never underestimate the power of an ill-timed whoopie cushion.

-If you’re the boss, kick off the call by listing an insane, not humanly possible amount of work and projects you expect due by the end of the week. Call “April Fools” before the end of the call.

– Enter a new name for yourself via Zoom, so everyone can welcome “The Greatest & Best Looking Human on Earth” or [insert favorite TV character, etc] to have up on screen throughout the call.

– When the video chat begins, have a stuffed animal, your child, or pet sitting in your chair instead. Bonus points if you dress them up in work attire.

– Because you’re already working from home, put googly eyes on all your refrigerated food. Your roommate, kids or significant other will get a kick out of this each time they open the refrigerator door.

April Fools’ Pranks Those Heading Into Work At A Grocery Store, Pharmacy, Bank, Etc.

For the current heroes of the world, working at hospitals, grocery stores, pharmacies — anyone providing essential services amid coronavirus deserves a medal, not a mean prank. But for those looking for put safely put a smile on their co-worker’s faces. Here are a few ways to have fun with Aprils Fools’:

Write this on an upside-down cup, “Do not open, unless you plan to kill it.” Just leave it by the register at the grocery store, by the window if you’re bank teller, or at the check-out a pharmacy. During coronavirus, this is great because it doesn’t require anyone to touch anything, and you can watch the freaked out expressions all day.

– Switch up your nametag to read “The Terminator” or [insert favorite superhero/Disney character/real-life celebrity]

-Wear a bright-colored wig, unicorn hat, or a silly headpiece. It will be hard for anyone around you not to smile.

-The Break Room Donut Fake-Out

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