Home Entertainment ‘Big Brother 22’ Week 10 Eviction Prediction & Spoilers

‘Big Brother 22’ Week 10 Eviction Prediction & Spoilers

‘Big Brother 22’ Week 10 Eviction Prediction & Spoilers


Christmas Abbott and Memphis Garrett are the week 10 nominees in the Big Brother 22 house.

The Big Brother house had been fairly quiet this week. Nicole Franzel won Head of Household and then she won the Power of Veto, so her nominees of Memphis Garrett and Christmas Abbott stayed the same and Cody Calafiore and Enzo Palumbo (the only two who vote this week unless there’s a tie) seemed to be on the same page as to who they were voting out.

BUT… on Wednesday night (October 15), things started to get interesting. Read on for who we now think is going home, but be warned of spoilers from the live feeds.


Eviction Prediction

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All week long, Franzel and Calafiore have said Garrett is the target and Palumbo has gone along with it because he knows better than to rock the boat. However, Wednesday night, Palumbo started thinking that it might be better if Abbott goes, and here’s why.

He thinks that Abbott and Franzel will team up against him and Calafiore. He thinks Franzel will go back on her final two deal with Calafiore because she knows she can’t beat him, so she’ll want to take Abbott because Abbott is someone she has a chance of beating.

Palumbo took this idea to Calafiore and said that he thinks they’re safer if they keep Garrett. He thinks Garrett will cut Franzel over Calafiore, but Abbott won’t — she’ll target Calafiore over Franzel.

Palumbo is convinced that he, Garrett, and Calafiore can ride together to the final three, but Calafiore disagrees — he thinks Garrett cuts him at the final four. They went back and forth for a while and one interesting thing did happen — Calafiore assured Palumbo that if Abbott wins HOH and Calafiore wins the Veto, he’ll send Franzel home over Palumbo. Hmmm.

Anyway, so Calafiore took all this talk to Franzel to get her thoughts. They both agreed that Abbott not campaigning to Calafiore for his vote bothers them because it makes her look like she knows she’s safe and it makes them want to blindside her.

However, as of right now, Franzel and Calafiore still want Garrett out, so it doesn’t matter which way Palumbo votes. If it’s a tie, Franzel can send Garrett home with the tiebreaker.

The HOH Competition

VideoVideo related to ‘big brother 22’ week 10 eviction prediction & spoilers2020-10-15T10:39:55-04:00

Judging by how the season has gone so far, Calafiore is going to win his fourth Head of Household competition. But Abbott has to know that her life is on the line this week, so hopefully, she’ll play as hard as she can. Abbott winning HOH would at least be the most interesting outcome in a season that has been dominated by the biggest alliance winning almost all of the power in the house.

However, with only four people left, if Calafiore or Palumbo wins HOH, then Abbott still has the Power of Veto to try to save herself. In that scenario, one of the guys is probably toast (whichever one is not HOH) because she wants to take Franzel to the finals.

Don’t forget — no Big Brother on Sunday anymore. It now airs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. Eastern and Pacific on CBS. Also, it’s not too late to sign up for the season 22 live feeds.

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