Home Entertainment Camila Cabello & Shawn Mendes Reveal How They’re Passing the Time in Quarantine

Camila Cabello & Shawn Mendes Reveal How They’re Passing the Time in Quarantine



Shawn Mendes and girlfriend Camila Cabello pose after winning an American Music Award.

Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes spent an hour of their Friday evening performing a live concert on Mendes’ Instagram channel in support of the World Health Organization and Global Citizen. They revealed that one way they’re passing the time is by re-watching all of the Harry Potter movies.

The couple sat together outside in the sun, and Mendes had his guitar. They announced that they were performing in the “Together at Home Series,” which has been put on by the aforementioned charities.

“We are going to sing a few songs today because social distancing doesn’t have to be boring,” Cabello said. She said they’d miss a couple harmonies, but they’d do their best to do everything in synch. They urged the viewers to go to GlobalCitizen.org to see how they could help out with slowing the spread of coronavirus.

They started the concert by performing Ed Sheeran’s “Kiss,” which they said they’d sung together when they were younger as well. They giggled through the end of the performance, with Cabello saying she was nervous and laughing because she didn’t want to laugh.

They told everyone during the video that they’re “social distancing pretty hard.”

Mendes and Cabello Urged Their Fans to Practice Social Distancing and to “Stay Healthy”

Camila Cabello & Shawn Mendes Reveal How They’re Passing the Time in QuarantineCamila Cabello & Shawn Mendes Reveal How They’re Passing the Time in Quarantine


In between songs, they talked to the chat and answered questions.

“We love you guys and we just want to say that this is so amazing, we’re so happy to be doing this right now…” Mendes said. “This is a time where I think everybody should be extremely, extremely forgiving and kind to themselves and the people in their house, in their family.”

Cabello agreed that it’s hard to do that because no one knows how long the social distancing is going to last. She urged young people to stay home in order to protect the people that are more vulnerable than they may be.

The Couple Said They Were Spending  Their Time Watching ‘Harry Potter’

“Guys, we think everyone should start Harry Potter top to end, that’s the way to go,” Mendes said. Cabello added that that’s what they’ve been doing, having started the first one the night before.

Cabello later asked what house Mendes thought she’d be in if she were in Harry Potter, and she smiled when he said he thought she’d be in Gryffindor.

“That is the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. I think you’re in Gryffindor too, I honestly definitely think you’re in Gryffindor,” she said to her boyfriend. The pop star added that she didn’t think she would be in that house, though she would like to be. She told everyone that Hagrid is her favorite character, and Mendes revealed that his was Ron.

Cabello then went into talking about how people should be washing their hands, adding that there’s a specific type of “choreography” to doing so.

Viewers talked a lot about Mendes’ hair, which is longer than it has been in recent images. He said that it was just reacting with the heat, and Cabello said that she thought his hair looked great, telling him not to cut it.

They also revealed that Mendes has been working on new music before finishing off the concert with an acoustic rendition of “Señorita.”

“Well I would just like to say that he’s been working on [some music]… I’ve heard some stuff, and it’s pretty magical,” Cabello said at one point.

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