Home Entertainment Carey Mulligan Returns to CAA

Carey Mulligan Returns to CAA


Carey Mulligan has returned to CAA.

Mulligan first broke out on the scene with her star-making role in “An Education,” which earned her an Oscar nomination for best actress. Since then, she has worked with A-list directors like the Coen brothers on “Inside Llewyn Davis,” Baz Luhrmann on “The Great Gatsby,” Steve McQueen on “Shame,” Dee Rees on “Mudbound,” Nicolas Winding Refn on “Drive,” Mark Romanek on “Never Let Me Go” and Jim Sheridan on “Brothers.”

She was most recently seen in Paul Dano’s directorial debut, “Wildlife,” opposite Jake Gyllenhaal, as well as in Focus Features’ “A Promising Young Woman.” That film, which was produced by Margot Robbie, premiered earlier this year to rave reviews at Sundance, leading many to consider it a contender in this year’s awards race. She will also be seen in the Netflix feature “The Dig” opposite Ralph Fiennes.

Mulligan is represented by Julian Belfrage Associates, Relevant, and Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer Austen Mandelbaum Morris & Klein.



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