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Top 4 Cities to Live in Australia as a New Immigrant

Top 4 Cities to Live in Australia as a New Immigrant

Many people who are going to settle in Australia imagine the country to be a fairy-tale place. And so it is. This country has a high standard of living, a favorable climate, and beautiful scenery. You can get a great job in Australia and combine career growth with a pleasant vacation on the sandy beach. The population is growing, and the number of immigrants is also increasing.

📌 Why is the Australian continent attracting so many people?

There are many reasons for this, including:

📌 4 Best Australian Cities to Live In

✅ #1. Sydney

The ranking of the best places to live and travel opens the largest city in Australia. It is twice the size of New York City. The population is 5,000,000 people. It is the oldest settlement on the continent. It is one of the most attractive and comfortable places on the globe. Sydney has repeatedly won the title of the most beautiful city in the world.

Gorgeous beaches border the metropolis with modern architecture, palm trees, and golden sand. The subtropical climate makes for a pleasant atmosphere. All year round, it is warm, which is a big plus for tourists and locals.

Apartments in the center cost approximately $ 1700. If you look around, you can find a more accessible option for $1200. As an option – stay in a hostel: $ 30 / day. Food prices are about the same as in Europe.

✅ #2. Melbourne

Melbourne is the second largest metropolis in Australia. The number of inhabitants is 4,200,000 people. It is located in the south of the continent. It is a cultural and industrial center. He rightly deserves the status of one of the most comfortable and beautiful in the world. It hosts a variety of carnivals and festivals and the annual tennis World Cup. Through Melbourne runs a race track Formula 1.

The cost of housing is about the same as in Sydney. A 2-story house with 4 bedrooms can be rented for 2400 dollars. There is no central heating so it can be cold at night. A heater or underfloor heating is required. Home purchase prices start at $400,000.

✅ #3. Canberra

Canberra is undoubtedly worth the attention of tourists and those who have decided to move to Australia. It is located in the interior of the country. It did not evolve from a small settlement like others. It is a 20th-century creation. It is an entirely modern, urban city, that was built only because they could not decide who to give the palm to, Melbourne or Sydney. Compared to these megalopolises, the city is small – only 400,000 inhabitants.

There are private and public schools, two universities, a military college, and a defense academy. Canberra was originally built considering traffic, so it has good functional interchanges. Many people who live near the center get to work by bicycle.

Housing prices are slightly lower compared to Sydney and Melbourne. You can rent an apartment for $1,000 to $1,500 and a room for $700. Groceries cost the same.

✅ #4. Adelaide

Adelaide is a large city in southern Australia. The population is 1 200 000 people. Located on the Gulf of St. Vincent coast, it’s a charming place known for festivals, art, and winemaking. Snow-white beaches are combined with urban architecture. An essential point for the people here is the convenient transportation system. From the center, you can easily and quickly get to any end of the city. There are almost no traffic jams on the roads. It’s worth moving here for lovers of creativity and nature.

The most important advantage of living in this city is that the cost of housing is much lower than in other cities with millionaires. The salary level is the same as everywhere else, which allows you to save on renting an apartment. It costs $950 (downtown) and $550 (suburbs). But the fare on public transport is more expensive: $4-4,4. The cost of groceries is slightly lower than in Sydney, but not by much.

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