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Colbert, Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah Skewer Trump’s Inability to Stick to His Own Election Victory Script

Colbert, Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah Skewer Trump’s Inability to Stick to His Own Election Victory Script

Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers and Trevor Noah poked fun at President Donald Trump’s growing inability to stick to his own very false script that he won the 2020 election on their respective late-night shows Monday, November 16th.

Over the weekend, after Georgia and Arizona became the final two states on the electoral map to be called, Trump got about a quarter of the way to conceding when he tweeted of Biden, “He won because the Election was Rigged.” Colbert cracked in turn, “You had me at, ‘He won.’ The rest of it just got me all warm and dreamy.”

Though of course, as Colbert noted, the president quickly “declared backsies,” with the all-caps proclamation, “I won the election!” “That is digital equivalent of waking up to find grandpa screaming on the lawn in his underwear,” Colbert joked. “You can’t give him a standard mental cognition test because the first question is, ‘Who is the president?’”

On Late Night, Meyers highlighted Trump’s coronavirus press briefing last Friday, November 13th, where he also nearly acknowledged his defeat in a new tone that was way more subdued and non-committal. “Usually he yells at us like we’re on the other side of a busy freeway,” Meyers said. “But now suddenly he’s like a husband helping his wife pick out shoes in a department store.”


Of Trump’s unexpected “He won” tweet, Meyers joked, “Honestly, I’m not gonna read you the rest of the tweet, because it’s just the psychotic ravings of a weirdo recluse holed up in his taxpayer-funded hideout. Let’s just savor for a moment the fact that the tweet started with ‘He won.’ It’s like cracking open A Tale of Two Cities and stopping after, ‘It was the best of times.’”

And onThe Daily Show, Noah succinctly summed up Trump’s flailing, joking, “I will say man, for all the talk about Trump being an aspiring dictator, this some weak shit. Like, now is the time he should be taking over all the state capitals, installing new governors, arresting opposition leaders, doing all of that — instead, he’s just sitting at home trying to manifest a win on Twitter like a little bitch.”



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