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Coronavirus Closures in California [LIST]

Coronavirus Closures in California [LIST]


Can you get coronavirus from touching money?

Coronavirus is sweeping the country, and those on the West Coast are curious what has been closed in light of the pandemic. What closures are in place in California?

LA County officials have announced the closure of all bars, nightclubs, fitness centers, and movie theaters, and directed that restaurants offer takeout only.

The CDC recommends that gatherings of over 50 people be canceled or postponed for the next eight weeks.

Grocery stores, pharmacies, and food banks will remain open, according to the LA Times.

On Monday, The White House suggested people avoid groups of ten or more people, and those over age 65 have been asked to self-isolate.

Six counties in the San Francisco Bay Area have ordered that residents “shelter in place” for three weeks.

On Monday, Santa Monica ordered that its pier be closed, along with adjacent parking deck and businesses. Brewery and winery tasting rooms statewide have also been ordered to close under the instruction of Governor Newsom.

The California Supreme Court announced on Monday that it is suspending in-person hearings.

In a statement, Newsom said, “We recognize that social isolation for millions of Californians is anxiety-inducing, but … we need to meet this moment head-on and lean in.”

Here Is a List of Los Angeles Closures:

– Movie theaters
– Live Performance Venues
– Gyms
– Fitness Centers
– Private Social Clubs
– Bars and nightclubs that do not serve food
– Los Angeles Unified School District campuses
– Santa Monica Pier
– In-person hearings at California Supreme Court

Exceptions are being made for restaurants, bars, and nightclubs that serve food– these establishments will offer delivery and takeout. Religious locations and Houses of worship are being urged to limit large gatherings in a plea to observe social distancing.

More than half of the school districts in the state have announced that they will close on Monday. These closures, according to the New York Times, will affect roughly 80% of the state’s schoolchildren.

In a Facebook broadcast from Sunday, LA’s mayor Eric Garcetti urged people not to buy groceries or other supplies in a panic.

There Are 490 Confirmed Cases in California

As of Monday, there are 490 cases of Coronavirus confirmed in California, with 6 confirmed deaths, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. As the outlet notes, these results include those who have tested positive for the virus, but, “there are almost certainly many more cases among California residents who have not been tested.”

The New York Times reports that roughly 8,300 tests for the virus have been administered in California.

US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams tells Fox News, “We are at a critical inflection point in this country, people. We are where Italy was two weeks ago in terms of our numbers… When you look at the projections, there’s every chance that we could be Italy.”

Over 179,000 people have contracted the illness worldwide, and over 7,000 people had succumbed to the virus as of Monday afternoon.

President Trump told reporters during a Monday press conference that there are no plans for a nationwide quarantine at this point.

*This post will be updated with more information as it becomes available.

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