Home Entertainment Dealer Who Sold Michael K. Williams Fatal Dose of Heroin Pleads Guilty

Dealer Who Sold Michael K. Williams Fatal Dose of Heroin Pleads Guilty

Dealer Who Sold Michael K. Williams Fatal Dose of Heroin Pleads Guilty

The Wire actor was found dead in his home in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in 2021

A drug dealer who sold The Wire actor Michael K. Williams a fatal dose of fentanyl-laced heroin pled guilty to a narcotics conspiracy charge on Wednesday, the New York Times reports.

Irvin Cartagena’s sentencing was set by U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams in Manhattan federal court for Aug. 18, when Cartagena will face up to 40 years and a mandatory minimum of five years in prison.

A previous release from the U.S. Attorney’s office included screengrabs of surveillance footage showing Williams and Cartagena allegedly “executing the hand-to-hand transaction” the day before the Red Sea actor’s death. Williams died of “acute intoxication” from the effects of fentanyl, heroin, p-fluorofentanyl, and cocaine, at his Brooklyn home on Sept. 6. He was 54.

“I knew my actions were wrong and against the law,” Cartagena, who spoke through a Spanish interpreter, told the judge. “I am very sorry for my actions.”

Cartagena was charged along with Hector Robles, Luis Cruz, and Carlos Macci, known as “Carlito.” Robles and Cruz pleaded not guilty, per the report, and Macci pleaded guilty to narcotics conspiracy and is set to be sentenced in July.


The news of Willams’ death sent shockwaves throughout New York and Hollywood, and in the neighborhood of Williamsburg, where the actor lived.

“This is a public health crisis. And it has to stop,” Damian Williams, the U.S. attorney behind the case, previously said in a statement. “Deadly opioids like fentanyl and heroin don’t care about who you are or what you’ve accomplished. They just feed addiction and lead to tragedy.”



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