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Dr. Dre on George Floyd’s Death: ‘It Felt Like That Cop Had His Knee on All of Our Necks’

Dr. Dre on George Floyd’s Death: ‘It Felt Like That Cop Had His Knee on All of Our Necks’

Dr. Dre discussed the killing of George Floyd during a conversation with Lil Wayne for the rapper’s Young Money Radio show on Apple Music.

“That situation, it hurt my heart. My heart is still aching,” Dr. Dre said of Floyd’s death.

“And it felt like that cop had his knee on all of our necks, meaning black men. And yeah, it’s extremely painful. It’s extremely painful because it keeps going on. It continues to go on and it’s like, what can we do, or what do we need to do to make this thing stop? What is supposed to happen to make this thing stop? It has to stop.” 

Lil Wayne then said the now-former Minnesota police officer who put his knee to Floyd’s neck for almost nine minutes, Derek Chauvin, had been arrested; Chauvin was charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter, while no charges have been filed against the other three fired police officers.

“They’re supposed to be arrested and convicted of first-degree murder. Point blank, period,” Dre said. “And the fucked up part is they’re so brazen with it. Broad daylight, with cameras on. And he’s got his knee on this guy’s neck for that amount of time and he doesn’t give a fuck. His hand is in his pocket. He may as well have been whistling.”

Dre continued, “It’s baffling, but it really feels like something is going to happen now, to at least put us in the area where we can start talking about a way to make this thing stop. I think this one could be the one… because I’m seeing white people out there protesting as well, which is a good thing.”

Lil Wayne added of the protesters, “I think they’re fed up. Any decent-hearted human being, I think they’re all fed up. We’re all fed up.”

“Any decent human being should see that and go, ‘Fuck this. Enough is enough,’” Dre said.



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