Home Entertainment Easter Memes 2020: Best to Brighten Your Holiday

Easter Memes 2020: Best to Brighten Your Holiday

Easter Memes 2020: Best to Brighten Your Holiday


Happy Easter! It’s certainly a different Easter than many of us have experienced before, that’s for sure. With the coronavirus outbreak, social distancing, and sheltering at home, many people are experiencing a very unique Easter this year. But this is also why lighthearted memes are more important than ever. These memes and jokes will help brighten your holiday.

First, here’s a reminder about what Easter commemorates. Easter is always on the first Sunday after the full moon following a spring equinox. That’s why the date of Easter changes every year, sometimes ranging from late March to late April. Easter comes three days after Good Friday, which follows Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper when Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. Good Friday commemorates the day that he was nailed on the cross. And of course, Easter Sunday is the day he rose from the dead.

According to three out of four biblical Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), Jesus’ Last Supper occurred on the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread (also known as Passover.) Passover celebrates the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt after being enslaved by Pharaoh.

There’s a lot to remember and a lot to be thankful for this time of year.

Easter memes can have religious themes, but many are typically fun and lighthearted.


This year, most of us have to focus on social distancing in addition to celebrating the holiday. So we’re finding unique ways to celebrate at home.

Some popular Easter memes play on religious themes. As many Christians have been sharing this year, just when things seemed the darkest, the light and hope were just around the corner. That’s an uplifting message to remember right now.



Here’s what social distancing would look like for the Last Supper.

And another version:

Social distancing memes are definitely popular this year.

Here’s another one.

And yet another one.


Easter memes are typically fun and lighthearted and many have no relation to religious themes at all. A lot of the memes are about candy, in fact.


This one’s silly but cute.

And here’s a cute idea for Easter eggs.

And some are just silly jokes to help you feel better about everything.


If you’re looking for a lighthearted meme to brighten someone’s day, especially if they’re stressed about COVID-19 or other issues, why not send a Peeps meme of some kind?


There are a lot of fun memes and cute photos for Easter, including some that talk about social distancing.

Don’t forget the cat photos and jokes too.

So remember, even though you’re having to celebrate Easter at home this year, you can still have a very happy (or “hoppy”) Easter. Hide eggs or candy around the house or the backyard for your kids. Enjoy your favorite movie. Play a video game. Give your dog or cat some extra treats. Watch an Easter service online. Cook that meal you’ve been saving or order takeout via contactless delivery. Whatever option you choose, have a great Easter today, even though it might not feel like the kind of Easter you’re used to enjoying.

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