Home Entertainment European Film Promotion, Karlovy Vary Unveil Future Frames Lineup

European Film Promotion, Karlovy Vary Unveil Future Frames Lineup


European Film Promotion, a network of national film promotion bodies, has unveiled its lineup of films for its Future Frames program, which screen as part of Karlovy Vary Film Festival’s industry section, Eastern Promises.

Running under the banner “Generation Next of European Cinema,” the program will present 10 films directed by some of Europe’s most promising film students and graduates. The program, which has been expanded by several kick-off events, will be running from June 29 to July 8 in a digital format.

The filmmakers are nominated by their countries’ national film promotion institutes, with the final selection made by Karlovy Vary’s artistic director Karel Och, and its program coordinator Anna Purkrabkova.

Karlovy Vary canceled the public side of its festival this year, which Och acknowledged was a “tough decision,” and the industry section runs as a digital event. However, Och said: “Not even such challenging times will stop us from being keen on supporting filmmakers, so we are glad that we joined forces with our traditional partner European Film Promotion, having the chance to bring an extraordinarily strong selection of young and promising European directors along with their films.”

“Usually, the filmmakers can’t wait for the first public screenings of their first films, and are curious to see the audience’s reactions. This year, the focus has shifted. Now it’s all about the reactions of the industry and press,” EFP’s managing director Sonja Heinen said. “However, in these challenging times, it’s a great opportunity for these exceptional young filmmakers to get to know and understand the professional industry much better.”

Here are the filmmakers and their films taking part in the sixth edition of EFP Future Frames (profiles courtesy of EFP):

Rosa Friedrich, Austria (“Potted Palm Trees”)
Born in East-Berlin, Rosa Friedrich studied directing at the Film Academy Vienna with Michael Haneke, focusing on a slightly more playful and exotic approach to film language and filmmaking. As an independent filmmaker, she made the feature film, “Buschow,” in 2014 and plans to complete her new feature film, “Wander,” in 2021. Rosa also studied philosophy, psychology and film studies, and leads various dance and theater groups, fruitfully complementing her work as director and screenwriter.

Adam Martinec, Czech Republic (“Anatomy of a Czech Afternoon”)
After studying philosophy, Adam Martinec studied directing at the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU). Following the example of all Czech film masters, he values truth and sincerity as being the most important virtues which he vigorously tries to capture in his films.

Kristian Håskjold, Denmark (“Crocodile Tears”)
Kristian Håskjold is a Danish/Norwegian award-winning director/writer from Copenhagen. He studied directing at the Danish independent film school, SUPER16. His short films screened at 90 plus festivals winning 20 awards. “Forever Now” won 12 awards including the Grand Jury Award for best narrative short at SXSW in 2017. “A Worthy Man” won five awards such as the jury award for best European short film at the Leuven International Short Film Festival in 2018 and was also on the long list of the European Film Awards in 2019. His TV show, “Chemo Brain,” was selected to premiere internationally at the Sundance Film Festival in 2020, and won the special jury recognition for drama at SXSW in 2020.

Constanze Klaue, Germany (“Lychen 92”)
Born in East-Berlin, Constanze Klaue studied German literature and jazz music. She worked as a writer and director for a commercial film production company in Cologne before joining the Academy of Media Arts in 2014 to concentrate on her career as a filmmaker. As a freelance writer and director, she is dedicated to film, music and literature. She focuses on the child’s perspective in her work and on social aspects of the consequences of German reunification. In 2015, her autobiographical essay, Our Home, received an award from the Deutsche Gesellschaft and the Federal Ministry of the Interior. In 2017/18 she was a scholarship holder of the Academy for Children’s Media, and received the Boje-Baumhaus-Media Prize for her latest project, “Ausgerechnet Mops!” The book will be published in 2020.

Dimitris Tsakaleas and Lida Vartzioti, Greece (“Sad Girl Weekend”)
Lida Vartzioti graduated from the School of Film Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, specializing in screenwriting. She worked as first assistant director on “Ouzeri Tsitsanis” by Manousos Manousakis, and on many short films and commercials. Lida has worked in the production team of a series of mini documentaries that took place at the 57th Thessaloniki International Film Festival titled “POVs.” She directed a spot for the 90-year anniversary of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In 2018, she directed the mini web series “Not” and took part in the pitching training session of the ShorTS International Film Festival with the film script “The Good Girls Club.” Lidia made the short films “Yawth” and “Sad Girl Weekend” together with Dimitris Tsakaleas, with whom she is currently working on “The Good Girls Club.”
Dimitris Tsakaleas holds the Filmmaking Certificate from the London Film Academy and graduated from the School of Film Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, specializing in Audiovisual Film Production. He has worked as a producer on several short films, a feature film, commercials and music videos. He was also part of the production team of a series of mini documentaries that took place at the 57th Thessaloniki International Film Festival titled “POVs.” In 2018, Dimitris was chosen to participate in the Sarajevo City of Film Fund to produce four short films to be shot in Sarajevo. His films have traveled to prestigious film festivals across the world. Dimitris is a member of the European Film Academy (EFA). He has made the short films “Yawth” and “Sad Girl Weekend” together with Lidia Vartzioti and is currently working on “The Good Girls Club” with her.

Brúsi Ólason, Iceland (“Dalia”)
Brúsi Ólason is an Icelandic director, screenwriter and editor. Brúsi grew up on a farm just outside of the town of Selfoss in the south of Iceland. In 2015, Brúsi graduated from the University of Iceland where he majored in film studies and minored in creative writing. He applied for a Film MFA at Columbia University in New York where he currently studies directing. In his films, Brúsi explores themes such as relationships, communication and the unstoppable urge to connect with other human beings and how we fail or succeed to do so.

Tadeusz Łysiak, Poland (“The Dress”)
Tadeusz Łysiak, born in 1993, graduated in Cultural Studies at the University of Warsaw Warsaw and presently studies directing at the Warsaw Film School. He is director of the award-winning short film “Techno.” His latest film, “The Dress,” premiered in the national film competition at the 60th Krakow Film Festival and was selected for the main competition section at the Odense International Film Festival. He is currently working on his feature film debut.

Matúš Ryšan, Slovak Republic (“Out of Pure Conscience”)
Matúš Ryšan is a director, screenwriter and editor. He studied at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, where he got his Master’s Degree in Film and Television Directing for his graduate film, “Out of Pure Conscience.” He worked as first assistant director on multiple features, short films as well as television shows and commercials. Presently, he focuses on directing short films, music videos and commercials while preparing his feature film debut.

Maria Lorente, Mariona Vázquez, Juno Álvarez, Yaiza de Lamo, Spain (“DIYSEX”)
Maria Lorente has a degree in History of Art of the University of Barcelona. She continued her academic career with a Master’s Degree in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary Making and is currently studying for another Master’s Degree on TV and Cinema Script Writing at the Blanquerna University. Her production company, Intensidades Films produces short erotic and pornographic films. She works together with directors, Mariona Vázquez, Yaiza de Lamo and Juno Álvarez.
Mariona Vazquez graduated in Audiovisual Communication at Blanquerna. She holds a Master’s Degree on Film Direction and Production at ESCAC and a Master’s Degree in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary Making.
She currently works as a film producer. She works together with directors Yaiza de Lamo, Juno Álvarez and Maria Lorente.
Juno Álvarez has a degree in journalism from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a Master’s Degree in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary Making. She works together with directors Maria Lorente, Mariona Vázquez and Yaiza de Lamo.
Yaiza de Lamo, graduated in Photography and Digital Creations at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), holding a Master’s Degree in Theory and Practice of Creative Documentary Making. She’s currently working for two independent production companies in Barcelona, Grulla Estudio and Intensidades Films, while she also studies Photography Direction at ECIB.
She works together with directors Mariona Vázquez, Maria Lorente and Juno Álvarez.

Amanda Adele Björk, Sweden (“To Discharge”)
Amanda Adele Björk is a scriptwriter and director from Sweden who has been working with film since 2010. In 2013, she started the film production company Lampray AB for short and documentary films and the feministic production company Lynx Studios. Her film “Kung Fury” won the Guldbagge award. In 2016, she started studying at Stockholm’s Academy of Dramatic Arts, graduating in 2019. In the same year, she was awarded the prestigious Wild Card prize by the Swedish Film Institute for her upcoming feature film, “Hysterika.” Amanda is writing and directing two seasons of a TV series called “Zombie” for Swedish Television, to premiere in 2020 and 2021. “To Discharge” (Ladda Ur) was selected for Nordic Talents with Amanda being chosen as one of ”8 Breakout Voices to Look Out For.” The film had its premiere at Gothenburg’s International Film Festival 2020 and was also nominated to compete for the Nordic Mid Grand Prix at the Sundsvalls Film Festival 2020.



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