Home Entertainment Fox Corp. to Cover Medical Insurance Premiums for Enrolled Employees

Fox Corp. to Cover Medical Insurance Premiums for Enrolled Employees

Fox Corp. to Cover Medical Insurance Premiums for Enrolled Employees

Fox Corporation intends to add new medical benefits for its employee base in response to concerns about the nation’s coronavirus crisis.

In a memo sent to staffers, Fox Corp. COO John Nallen indicated Fox Corp. would for the next six months ” cover medical insurance premiums for employees enrolled in the Fox-sponsored plans. This means that the premium payment that you make through your normal pay cycle process will be suspended for the next six months while the Company makes that medical insurance premium payment for you.”

He said Fox would also cover “six months of any employee-paid portion of medical insurance premiums for our full-time staff union employees who receive medical coverage through union medical plans.” The company also plans to waive co-payments for a “Telemedicine” service that offers access to doctors by phone or video to employees with Fox benefits.

Additionally, we will be waiving the copay for Telemedicine, which offers access to doctors by phone or video to employees with FOX benefits.

“I also would like to take the opportunity to remind you that full-time Fox employees are always eligible to receive full salary continuation for up to six months if they are on an authorized illness-related leave of absence,” Nallen said in the memo, which was reviewed by Variety.

“I want to reiterate what you have been hearing from all of our leaders, your health and safety are our priority during this challenging time,” Nallen said. “We will continue to look for ways to ease the stress and inconvenience that these circumstances have brought to our daily lives.”

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