Home Entertainment Hallmark Unveils 39 New ‘When Calls the Heart’ Season 9 Photos

Hallmark Unveils 39 New ‘When Calls the Heart’ Season 9 Photos


Crown Media

When Calls the Heart Season 9

A representative from Crown Media has shared 39 new photos for season 9 of “When Calls the Heart” with Heavy. The photos include on-set photos from Hallmark’s new season, along with promotional photos of the major characters who are going to play a big role in the series starting March 6.

While some of the photos were included in Heavy’s earlier story about season 9, many of the photos are newly shared. Hallmark acknowledged they were having some technical issues with their press site, so they sent all 39 new photos to Heavy. Some of the photos are staged promotional photos, while others are taken from the set. But all the photos reveal a more in-depth look at what to expect in season 9.

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Lucas & Elizabeth Are Featured in a Number of Photos

Included among the 39 photos were two promotional pictures of Elizabeth and Lucas.

Hallmark Unveils 39 New ‘When Calls the Heart’ Season 9 PhotosHallmark Unveils 39 New ‘When Calls the Heart’ Season 9 Photos

Crown Media

Crown Media

Although the couple is featured heavily in the promotional videos, the 39 photos did not include any photos of Elizabeth and Lucas together on the set itself. However, more promotional photos of Erin Krakow (Elizabeth) and Chris McNally (Lucas) alone were also included.

Two photos of Lucas show him wearing his trademark suit that fans love. A promotional video from Canada revealed that we’ll see Lucas in more casual attire this season too.

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Crown Media

And there were four photos of Elizabeth.

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Crown Media

Crown Media

Crown Media

Nathan Is Featured With and Without His Mustache

While Nathan will be sporting a mustache in the first part of the season, the promotional photos provided further confirmation that he won’t have the mustache for the entire season. The first two photos of Nathan show him with his mustache.

Crown Media

Crown MediaCrown Media

His second set of promotional photos, meanwhile, show that Kevin McGarry (Nathan) will be returning to his more traditional look at some point later in the season.

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Crown Media

Mei Sou Is Featured in the Lineup

We also see quite a few photos featuring Amanda Wong as Mei Sou. She’ll be capturing Nathan’s eye this season, according to sneak peek trailers.

She’s shown meeting Ned and Florence as they get ready for what fans are saying will be the reopening of the soda shop. These photos were included in Heavy’s original story too.

Crown Media

And it looks like Mei Sou and Faith are becoming friends.

Crown Media

Here are her two promotional photos.

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Crown Media

The Canfields Are Featured Heavily in the Promotional Lineup

The Canfields are also featured heavily in the promotional lineup. Viv Leacock portrays Joseph Canfield. Natasha Burnett is his wife Minnie. Leacock’s real-life children portray his two children on the show: Vienna is Angela and Elias is Cooper.

Crown Media

A number of promotional photos were released featuring the family.

Crown Media

Crown Media

Minnie and Joseph both have their own promotional photos included in the set.

Crown Media

Crown Media

They’ll have an active role in the new season, and they were featured in quite a few sneak peek videos too.

Crown Media

Ned & Florence Will Be a Big Part of Season 9

Of course, Ned and Florence have big roles in the new season, after their wedding last season and Ned’s brush with death.

Most of their photos were included in the earlier set that Heavy shared, but here they are again.

Crown Media

Crown Media

Crown Media

The Children of Hope Valley Are Back

The children of Hope Valley will also be featured more this season, and we see two photos in the set showing them watching what is likely Ned and Florence’s special performance.

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Crown Media

Lee & Rosemary’s Story Continues

Lee and Rosemary are also featured in the 39 promotional photos.

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Crown Media

As hinted at in the trailers, Rosemary’s newspaper and Lee’s participation in the mayoral race will be two big storylines in the new season.

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Crown Media

Crown Media

Crown Media

Faith Is Back, But Carson Hasn’t Been Seen in Any Promotional Photos or Videos

Andrea Brooks (Faith) is back this season too.

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However, there is no sign of Carson (Paul Greene) returning. As Heavy reported before, a different Paul Green will be part of the cast, in a different role.

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Mike Hickam Is Back

The set of 39 photos also includes a photo of Hickam (Ben Rosebaum), but Fiona (Kayla Wallace) wasn’t featured in the lineup. However, we did see her in other promotions, so we know she’ll be back. A sneak peek video released earlier also showed that Hickam is continuing his mayoral campaign.

Crown Media

Jack Wagner Is Back as Bill Avery

Of course, we all knew that Jack Wagner is returning as Bill Avery, since he gave us quite a few behind-the-scene sneak peeks during filming. He’s also included in two promotional photos, along with numerous sneak peeks that were already released.

Crown Media

Crown Media

In summary, it’s interesting to see who is and isn’t featured in the 39-photo lineup. It’s likely that more photos will be coming soon, such as promotional photos featuring Fiona and Molly. (We do see Molly in some of the group photos.) Henry is also missing from the 39-picture lineup, although he’s seen quite a bit in Hallmark’s season 9 trailer.

Crown Media

The set of new photos also doesn’t include Little Jack (now recast with Hyland Goodrich.) But he’s been featured heavily in previous promotions.

To make sure you don’t miss a single update about “When Calls the Heart,” join the Hearties News Facebook group, follow the Heavy on Hallmark Facebook page or subscribe to the Heavy on Hallmark newsletter here.

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