Home Entertainment Happy Mother’s Day Wishes & Messages to All Moms

Happy Mother’s Day Wishes & Messages to All Moms



A general view of atmosphere at nintendogs + cats event in Beverly Hills over Mother’s Day weekend on May 7, 2011 in Beverly Hills, California.

Read on for Happy Mother’s Day messages and wishes to put in your cards from husband to wife, from mother to mother … It’s a day for all moms.

It’s Mother’s Day and with the COVID-19 pandemic, you may not have been able to get to the store for a greeting card. Or, perhaps deliveries are backed up and you want be able to get your Mother’s Day card in time. If that’s the case, you can always make your own card. Whether you draw it yourself or print out something from the internet, there are plenty of quotes and sweet messages you could write, to let that special person in your life now she matters to you.

Happy Mother’s Day Wishes

“Wishing you a calm and relaxing Mothers Day. You deserve to be pampered!”

“Happy Mother’s Day to all moms, everywhere, for everything you do!”
All Wording

“Today is the day when we celebrate those sweet-as-honey, tough-as-nails people we call “Mom.” Happy Mother’s Day, everyone!”
D Greetings

“Wishing you all the love and happiness you so richly deserve. I hope you have a very happy Mother’s Day!”
Homemade Gifts Made Easy

“Happy Mother’s Day from the one who kept you on your toes. I’m glad you survived me!”
Best Life Online

“I hope your Mother’s Day is more pleasant than labor was.”

“All that I am, or what I hope to become, I owe only to my mother. Thanks mom and best wishes.”

Happy Mother’s Day Messages

“Thanks for giving me the best things in life: Your love, your care, and your cooking. Happy Mother’s Day!”
Homemade Gifts Made Easy

“Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! (And while I have you, quick apologies for ages 13-21.)”
Pure Wow

“To the person who has done more for me than anyone in this world! Love you!” – Greeting Card Poet

“Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for always being the shining example of what I wanted to be like when I grew up!”

“Cheers to the woman who gave up wine for nine months, just for me.”

“Mom, you are a badass. I am thoroughly convinced you didn’t sleep for the first 18 years of my life, you superhuman you.”

“Mom, thanks for making me. I like me. And I love you! Happy Mother’s Day!”
Best Life Online

Being stuck in quarantine gives families an opportunity they don’t often have … time to be together. A psychotherapist and minister named Nancy Colier talked about this silver lining, telling USA Today, “We get to have them in a way that probably we’re never going to have them again in our lives. There’s something incredible about the fact that they can’t go anywhere. They are here. And so are we.”

While many mothers are at home with their loved ones, others are helping their community or working on the front lines on Mother’s Day, making sacrifices not only for their children, but for their fellow Americans.

Mother’s Day Playlist: Top 5 Best Songs for Moms 2020



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