Home Entertainment How to Get the Instagram Quiz Me Filter

How to Get the Instagram Quiz Me Filter



Instagram Quiz Me Filter

The latest exciting filter that everyone wants in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic is the Quiz Me filter on Instagram.  This is one of the most popular social media games on Instagram since the Guess the Gibberish filter in April. Here’s the easiest way to get the filter and take part in the game.

The Quiz Me filter has been around, at least for some people, for a few months. But it’s gained renewed interest thanks to everyone sheltering at home and wanting to play more online games. With this filter, users can make up questions that followers can answer on screen. This is another one of Instagram’s AR story filters.

The filter puts a virtual sign over your head. Once you choose to record, you’ll see Instagram scrolling through a list of questions before finally landing on one that you need to answer.  You can then record your reaction and your answer to the question live. Afterward, you can share this with your followers, followed by answering another question, and so on until you’re be done.

Here’s how you get the filter. 

Click on “Your Story” and then scroll through the filters until you get to the last one, which is a magnifying glass. Click on the “Browse Effects” picture with the magnifying glass.

How to Get the Instagram Quiz Me FilterHow to Get the Instagram Quiz Me Filter


Next, click on the magnifying glass that’s in the top right-hand corner (the search bar).


Type “hughesp1” into the search bar, to see all the special effects that user has created.


Scroll down through all his filters until you see the one titled “Quiz me!”


Click on the “Quiz me” filter and choose “Try it.” Now you’re ready to play the game.

The YouTube channel Jypsyvloggin (with 7,930 subscribers) provides a review of how it looks, which HTC also suggests is a fun filter to use.

How to get quiz me filter on InstagramCheck out the video and more on my blog https://jypsyvloggin.com/how-to-get-quiz-me-filter-on-instagram/2020-05-05T07:22:10.000Z

Now that people are sheltering at home, there are a lot of fun filters and social media games. If you’re interested in riddles, we have some riddles and their answers listed below that you might want to share on social media.

If you’ve seen the “How Many Ducks Do You See?” riddle and were stumped, check out Heavy’s explanation here. If you ran into the “I Met a Man on London Bridge” riddle and have no idea what the man’s name is, you can find the answer in Heavy’s story here. The answer to the “You Enter a Bedroom” riddle is here, and the answer to the “Can You Open the Lock Using These Clues?” riddle is here.

If you’re looking for the answer to the “Hotel with 100 Rooms” riddle, it’s here. The answer to the “State Without an A” riddle is here. The answer to the “How many letters are in the answer?” riddle is here. And the answer to the “Penny Has 5 Children” riddle is here.

There are a lot of fun games to play while quarantining or sheltering in place. If you want more “quiz me” type opportunities, many locations are also offering quiz and trivia games through Zoom or Twitch streams.

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