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How to Travel Cheaply to the United States (Almost FREE!!!)?

How to Travel Cheaply to the United States (Almost FREE!!!)?

Traveling to the United States is one of the best things you can do if you want to enjoy your next big trip.

I have been traveling for three years in the USA and without a doubt, it is being one of the best experiences of my life.

I have already toured more than 15 states in the country.

However, it comes at a price and it is usually not cheap at all.

📝 How much does it cost to travel to the United States?

The average price of a trip to the United States is $848.98 per person for a week.

📌 How to travel cheap to the United States?

Below you will find the tips and tricks that have helped me how to travel cheaply to the United States.

Specifically, 8 tips and tricks with which you will be able to save in all areas of your trip:

✅ Cheapest months to travel to the United States

When is it cheapest to travel to the United States?

In several studies that have analyzed thousands of cheap flights to the United States, it has been seen that there are certain months, days and hours in which the flights are considerably cheaper. In addition, the ideal advance with which to buy your flights has been discovered.

  • Cheapest months: November and February
  • Cheapest day: Tuesday
  • Cheapest hours: first and last hours of the day
  • Ideal lead time:  16 weeks (4 months)

So now you know, if you want to find the cheapest flights to the USA, remember that it will be in November or February, it will fall on a Tuesday, it will be early or late in the day, and you will have to buy it four weeks before.

In addition, you must take into account the main holidays and traditions of the United States. If you really want to travel cheaply to the United States, avoid the following dates:

  • Holy Week (Spring Break). During the month of March
  • St. Patrick’s Day. March 17
  • Summer. Months of July and August
  • Independence day. July 4th
  • Thanksgiving. Third week of November
  • Christmas. Months of December and January

So, in summary, the cheapest months to travel to the United States are February, April, May, June, September and October.

✅ Cheapest places to travel to the United States

Which part of the United States is cheapest to travel to?

When choosing one city or another for your trip to the United States, it is convenient to determine which cities will be cheaper. How are we going to do it?

Based on the cost of flights and accommodation, the two biggest expenses on any trip.

1. Cheapest cities based on flights:

This depends on the country you live in and the distance to the United States. It is not the same to fly to the USA from Mexico as from Spain.

2. Cheapest cities based on accommodation:

The average price of a night in a hotel or apartment in the United States varies greatly depending on the city you travel to and the time of year.

However, to give you an idea, here is the average cost of a hotel night in the main cities of the country:

  • Washington D.C. ($94)
  • Chicago ($99)
  • Vegas ($116)
  • New York ($118)
  • LA ($122)
  • Hawaii ($122)
  • Boston ($126)
  • Miami ($139)
  • Orlando ($142)
  • San Francisco ($161)

(*The prices in parentheses are the average prices per night according to the Airbnb search engine)

✅ How to find cheap flights to the United States?

When it comes to buying cheap flights to the United States, there are plenty of tips and tricks out there.

In my personal experience, I have tried ALL of them in the last three years and now I am going to tell you the ones that have worked for me.

On average a year, I usually buy at least 8 flights to travel to the US. 4 round trips from Spain (on vacation and Christmas) and another 4 for my trips during the course within the United States.

And thanks to these tricks I have been able to save a lot of money. Watch out here they come!

✅ Cheap accommodation in the United States

When traveling cheaply to the United States, the platform I always use when looking for accommodation is Airbnb.

In case you don’t know it, Airbnb is a platform where you can rent houses and apartments from other people who are spread all over the world.

The platform is present in more than 190 countries and of course in the United States, it is a success since that is where the tool was created. Specifically in San Francisco, making it the leading apartment rental platform in the country.

✅ Avoid unforeseen events with travel insurance

Traveling cheaply to the United States is very safe. In my numerous trips to the United States, I have never had any problems.

However, it is advisable to take out insurance given the peculiarities of the American health system.

Healthcare in the United States is private, so for the slightest accident you have, if you need to go to the hospital the costs will be exorbitant.

The difference between travel insurance and the medical bill, for a minor mishap, from an American hospital can easily go up to $2,000.

So you better not risk it. I would hire insurance yes or yes.

From my own experience, I recommend  Iati Seguros. Specifically, the basic Iati policy costs $46.95 and covers up to $50,000 in medical expenses in the United States.

This is the insurance company that I use during my travels. It has a policy that covers EVERYTHING  (including extreme sports), the price is very competitive and when I have had to use it they have paid me without question.

✅ Cheap transportation in the United States

Renting a car in the United States and going on a Road Trip is one of the best things you can do. The experience is unique and the prices are unbeatable. To give you an idea, for example:

  • The price of renting a car (KIA Rio) for 14 days on the West Coast = is $332
  • The average price of gasoline in the country = is $3.50 per gallon (4.5 liters)

✅ The restaurants with the best quality/price

To help you choose your restaurants during your stay in the USA, I have prepared the following article where you will discover 25 American restaurant chains that have not yet arrived in Spain and where you will suck your fingers at a very good price.

Discount show tickets

How do I get discount tickets?

I use the best company today,  Hello Tickets. Spanish company that operates in Europe, America and Asia, and where you will find tickets for any musical, concert or sporting event in any city in the United States.

📌 How to Travel to the United States for Free?

Although I have already taught you how to travel cheaply to the United States, you can still travel to the USA cheaper and even for free thanks to volunteering.

Here are 5 efficient ways to travel for free to the United States:

Find a Sugar Daddy in the USA

We’re not sure where you’ve been if you haven’t heard about sugar babies and sugar daddies yet. Having said that, it’s likely that you are already aware of this particular type of relationship if you have found your way to yourself. It’s never been simpler for prospective sugar babies to locate a wealthy sugar daddy thanks to the internet and begin enjoying the benefits: free travels, elegant dinners, pricey wine, and opulent gifts—you get the idea. Try sugardaddyseek to find a sugar daddy for yourself!

Conservation of the Appalachian Trail in the United States

The Appalachian Trail, one of the longest hiking trails in the eastern United States and home to more than 2,000 endangered species, offers the chance to work to maintain the trail and facilities in exchange for food and lodging.

✅ WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms)

This program offers work on one of the farms located in 53 countries in exchange for food and lodging. There is something for everyone: volunteering options range from a week of work to even years.

United Nations Volunteers

The United Nations offers the possibility of volunteering, collaborating in health and economic development projects, and even offering emergency assistance in cases of human-natural disasters. Although most of the programs are designed for specialized professionals, you may find one that suits your characteristics.

Help Exchange

There will always be a host who needs help with a household chore: tending their farm or garden, working on schools or religious projects, or building a house or community center.



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