Home Entertainment Kelly Stone, Sharon Stone’s Sister, Battling COVID-19, Actress Says

Kelly Stone, Sharon Stone’s Sister, Battling COVID-19, Actress Says



Sharon Stone and Kelly Stone attend Steven Tyler’s Second Annual GRAMMY Awards Viewing Party to benefit Janie’s Fund presented by Live Nation at Raleigh Studios on February 10, 2019 in Los Angeles, California.

Over the weekend, actress Sharon Stone took to Instagram to reveal that her sister, Kelly, has been hospitalized with COVID-19. Stone said Kelly’s husband Bruce is also hospitalized with COVID-19 and that her grandmother and godmother both died from COVID.

Kelly Already Suffers From Lupus

In her initial post, Stone says of her sister, “My sister Kelly, who already has lupus, now has COVID-19. This is her hospital room.”

Stone goes on to urge people to wear masks, saying her sister barely left the house and still got sick.

“One of you Non-Mask wearers did this. She does not have an immune system. The only place she went was the pharmacy. There is no testing in her county unless you are symptomatic, & then it’s 5 day wait for results. Can YOU FACE THIS ROOM ALONE? Wear a mask! For yourself and others. Please,” wrote Stone.

In her own Instagram post, Kelly recorded a video where she says, “I beg you to know that this is real. I’m gasping for every breath with oxygen. Please do this for the people that you love — stand behind more tests, more masks, demanding everyone wear a mask. You never, ever want to feel like this. I promise you I only have love in my heart, it is breaking for people that can’t breathe.

In a subsequent video, Kelly said that she was getting “a little better” after being put on remdesivir.

“I’m grateful for this incredible find to help reduce the viral load — the remdesivir coupled with steroids and oxygen and the great care of frontline workers. I cannot believe what they have to do to take care of people like us and how they put themselves in the position of having to come into work every day and be exposed to people with COVID and then go back to their families. I am so grateful,” said Kelly.

Stone Urges Everyone to Vote

In the wake of her sister and brother-in-law’s struggles and the deaths of her grandmother and godmother, Stone is strongly urging her followers to support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in their bid for the White House. Stone said:

I want to talk to you about compassionate integrity versus politics and greed. As many of you know, I posted about my sister being in the hospital in a COVID room and that she has lupus and is fighting for her life. I didn’t let you know that her husband, Bruce, is also in a COVID room in the same ward fighting for his life and that they stayed at home as long as they could. I wanted to tell you a little bit about why.

In Montana, where they live, you can’t get tested unless you’re symptomatic and then you don’t get your test results for five days. Also, the people that they came in contact with, like my mother, who has had two heart attacks, five stints, and a pacemaker in the last five months couldn’t get a test because she wasn’t symptomatic even though she could have been their asymptomatic carrier who gave them COVID.

The nurses in the hospital that are taking care of them can’t get tested because they don’t have tests to test them with. Those nurses are risking their lives and can’t get tested.

The stress, the strain, the exhaustion that’s happening in that hospital is met with the conflict around the courthouse where people are carrying guns and saying that it’s their freedom not to have to wear a mask. This is the situation in Montana where the governor, Steve Bullock, is not returning my calls, where the health department where I continuously call is hanging up on me. This is the state of affairs in the middle of our country where you, the people in the middle of our country, are at great risk of dying of COVID. They keep saying that the risks are so small and that you might not die and that it’ll be fine. But I’m telling you what’s going on with my family. My grandmother died of COVID and my godmother died of COVID.

My sister and her husband are fighting for her lives and my sister is not doing well. They couldn’t give the remdesivir until she went to the hospital because that’s the law there. There was no one to help them while they were home alone because there are no kinds of nurses that can come to the house there because there are no tests for them. When they say there are tests for everyone, they are lying. When they say there are tests even for the nurses in the hospitals, they’re lying.

People are dying and fighting for their lives because there’s nothing but lies. Because the people at the governor’s houses, people at the health departments are simply so overwhelmed they aren’t answering the phones. They’re simply hanging up, they’re not returning calls. This is the state we’re in. The only thing that is going to change this is if you vote and if you vote for Biden and if you vote for Kamala Harris.

Stone ended the video by saying that women in power will “fight for our families. We will fight for people to lie and we will fight for people to get tested because the only countries that are doing well with COVID are the ones that have women in leadership. Please vote and please whatever you do, don’t vote for a killer. Thank you.”

Celebrities Are Offering Prayers and Kind Words On Stone’s Posts

Comedian Chelsea Handler writes, “This is heartbreaking. This video is so powerful.”

Actress Holland Taylor calls it an “unbearable moment.”

“Prayers for your sister and her husband,” writes model Elizabeth Hurley.

“I am so heartbroken for your family, Sharon. I am sending you much love and light and many prayers for your sister an brother-in-law and mama,” writes actress Sela Ward.

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