Home Entertainment Last-Minute April Fools’ Day Pranks to Pull on Mom and Dad

Last-Minute April Fools’ Day Pranks to Pull on Mom and Dad



Try these tricks to pull great 2020 April Fools’ prank on your boyfriend or girlfriend (or husband or wife).

These days, a number of families are stuck at home together in light of the coronavirus pandemic. What better way to lift spirits and get a couple laughs than by playing some innocent tricks on Mom and Dad?

Read on for our favorite April Fools’ Day pranks to pull on your parents today.

Beep If You’re Happy!

If you’re lucky enough to be in the same house as Mom and Dad and you head out on a drive, bring a sign with you that says, “Beep If You’re Happy!” Then, sit in the back seat and hold the sign up to passersby. People will be honking at Mom and Dad, and they’ll have no idea why!

Glitter Explosion



Fill an envelope with glitter and address the front to Mom or Dad. Make it look like someone’s sent them an invitation, and give it to them, explaining that you found the envelope in the mailbox. When they excitedly open the so-called “invitation,” they’ll be met with a glitzy and glamorous surprise.

Remote Control Mayhem

Take out the batteries to your remote control and hide them somewhere your parents can’t find. When they go to watch the TV, they’ll be utterly confused by the fact that they can’t change the channel. To go one step further, you can even go into settings and change the contrast or sharpness of the display so that Mom and Dad officially think they’ve lost it when they turn on the TV.

Background Photo

Take an absurd selfie and change all of your parents’ backdrops—their computer, iPad, cell phone—to that photo.

Whipped Cream or Deoderant?

Swipe some whipped cream across the top of your parents’ deodorant stick. They’ll be very confused when they notice a different texture, smell and feel to their deodorant this morning.

Bathroom Trickster


Put plastic wrap on the toilet bowl of your parents’ toilet. When they go to the bathroom, they’ll learn pretty quickly that it’s impossible to go to the bathroom when the toilet bowl isn’t, well, available.

Switch Out Closets

Switch your mom’s clothing drawer with your dad’s. When they go to grab their undies in the morning, they won’t know how to prep for the day when they can’t find their own clothing.

Message for Mom & Dad


Write a long message for Mom and Dad on their toilet paper roll. When they go to use the bathroom, they’ll have to unravel it all to see what you’ve left for them.

Chocolate Chips or Raisins

Tell your parents you’re gonna make them a satisfying breakfast of gooey chocolate chip pancakes. Then, replace the chocolate chips with raisins, a far less appealing substitute.

Pat on the Back

Pat Mom and Dad on the back and tell then you love them. Then, leave a sticky note behind with a funny saying, like “Laugh at me!” or “Tell me I’m pretty!” Mom and Dad will be confused by all the attention.

READ NEXT: April Fools’ Pranks for Kids to Play on Parents 2020




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