Home Entertainment Low Cut Connie Announce Upcoming Double LP, ‘Private Lives’

Low Cut Connie Announce Upcoming Double LP, ‘Private Lives’


Low Cut Connie has announced its next studio album Private Lives, the band’s first-ever double LP, set for release later in 2020.

The title track is an archetypal upbeat piano-rocker from the road-warrior collective, with Adam Weiner celebrating the secret side hustles and quiet eccentricities of the “town freaks” in his native Philadelphia.

Private Lives, the band’s sixth album, is the result of three years of recording and writing from Weiner, who has recently been spending his quarantine performing high-energy livestreams from his South Philly living room.

“I’m obsessed with understanding people’s interior lives,” Weiner said of the forthcoming album in a statement. “In order to explore that idea, I had to create a flow that went in and out of these characters’ private spheres. There had to be a push and pull between their external and internal worlds. I knew if I was going to pull that off, I was going to have make a big album.”

With no specific release date announced yet, expect Private Lives to hit stores in the second half of 2020.



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