Home Entertainment Shirley Knight Cause of Death: How Did the Actress Die?

Shirley Knight Cause of Death: How Did the Actress Die?



Shirley Knight in 2010

Shirley Knight, a two-time Oscar nominee for best supporting actress, died on Wednesday, April 22 at the age of 83 years old. Her daughter, Kaitlin Hopkins, posted a moving tribute to her mother on her Facebook page, saying “I was at your side and you went peacefully.” Knight is survived by her two daughters, Kaitlin and Sophie Hopkins.

Knight died during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, which has many people wondering about her cause of death. Did Knight die of coronavirus complications? According to the New York Post, Knight died of natural causes, and not COVID-19. Her daughter did not indicate Knight’s cause of death in her Facebook post, simply that she died at home surrounded by her loved ones.

Her daughter also referenced a surgery that Knight had, after which the family brought her to Texas. She said, “It is hard to believe it has been 26 days since I got in the car and drove to meet Sophie and bring you back to Texas.” She added:

To be honest, I didn’t see things going this way after your surgery, it had gone so well. I wanted to think because Sophie and I got you safely to Texas that I could save you, give you back what you had before but all I could do is make this experience a better one, all I could do is love, forgive, celebrate, and feel.

Shirley Knight: Oscar-Nominated Actress Dies at 83



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