Home Entertainment Sonja Morgan’s Daughter Quincy Adams Morgan Leaves for College

Sonja Morgan’s Daughter Quincy Adams Morgan Leaves for College



Sonja Morgan and daughter Quincy Adams Morgan

Sonja Morgan’s only daughter, Quincy Adams Morgan, left for college at the beginning of season 12 of the Real Housewives of New York City. But fans were not expecting to actually see the teenager on-camera as her mother helped her move into her dorm at the University of Pennsylvania.

Despite her mother’s many years of living life in front of a camera, Quincy has never made an appearance on the reality show. Morgan says Quincy has never even watched any of the episodes.

Quincy attended boarding school as a high school student, so beginning college would not have meant as big of an adjustment for her mother in terms of living arrangements. Morgan previously told Bravo that she struggled when Quincy first went to boarding school, but that they kept in touch by texting “constantly.”

Here’s what you need to know.

Sonja Morgan Said They Were Stuck In the Rain On the Day Quincy Moved Into Her Dorm

Sonja Morgan enlisted the help of her sister during the move-in weekend at the University of Pennsylvania in August 2019. Morgan didn’t post any photos of Quincy on social media, or discuss what it felt like to have her only daughter starting college, but she did share a couple of comical highlights.

Morgan faced a situation that most parents deal with when moving a teen into a college dorm: a mad dash for last-minute supplies! Morgan wrote that the weekend involved “walking the campus in circles and a couple trips to the stores which were sold out of Dorm necessities. ? Anyone else experience this? ?My sister and I couldn’t walk afterwards.” She added an emoji of a cross-eyed face with its tongue sticking out to the photo.

The following day, Morgan shared a video from underneath a tent on the campus. She said that she and her sister couldn’t get to the car to leave the campus due to the heavy rain, which can be seen pooling around her feet. Morgan wrote in the caption, “Move in day at college caught in the rain after running around campus in 100 degree weather all day. Oy! How did everyone else do?”

Both posts were viewed tens of thousands of times on Instagram. Other parents commented to share their own move-in experiences with their college children.

Morgan Has Gushed About How Smart Quincy Has Become & That She Earned a Near-Perfect Score On the SATs

VideoVideo related to sonja morgan’s daughter quincy adams morgan leaves for college2020-04-02T20:50:50-04:00

Quincy Adams Morgan has always been very smart and dedicated to her schoolwork, according to her mother. Sonja Morgan told Bravo in 2017 that her daughter earned straight As as a high school student and was also a creative person. Morgan added that Quincy’s financial smarts came from her father’s side of the family and that Quincy is also multi-lingual. Morgan was not sure what type of career Quincy might pursue, explaining that Quincy was interested in architecture, fashion, or legal work.

But Morgan says her daughter has the intellect to do whatever she wants. She told online talk show host Sameera Shah in October 2018 that Quincy had earned a near-perfect score on her SATs. In the video embedded above, Morgan began discussing her daughter at about the 12:50 mark.

Morgan also explained that her daughter put her schoolwork ahead of everything else and had her priorities in order. Quincy was approached about doing modeling, but Morgan said they sat down and decided it wasn’t the right time for Quincy to participate in something like that.

“She’s a beautiful girl, inside and out, and very humble. But she really is a scholar … people have reached out for her to model. Big brands,” Morgan explained. “And, I said, ‘You know, let’s just get into college. A good college. And we’ll see where it goes. And we’ll look into it later.’”

Sonja Morgan Previously Said She Joined RHONY For the Money But Decided Early On That She Didn’t Want Her Daughter Involved With Reality TV

Sonja Morgan and daughter QuincySonja Morgan and daughter Quincy

Sonja Morgan and her daughter Quincy on March 8, 2012 in New York City.

Sonja Morgan joined the RHONY cast during the third season. According to US Weekly, Morgan initially rejected the offer to be on the show. But she changed her mind after separating from Quincy’s father, John Adams Morgan, in 2008 and decided the money from the show would be beneficial. “I knew at that point my divorce settlement wasn’t coming. I needed to support myself and my daughter in our townhouse. I never imagined being a single mom. Never. But you’re a mother, you do what you have to do, and the kids come first.”

But Morgan also decided against having her daughter make cameos on the reality series. She explained in 2018 that she didn’t feel it would have been right to subject a young child to that kind of scrutiny. “I just don’t think it’s good. I mean I know how to handle it and I’ll handle myself and I chose it. But I don’t think I should drag anyone else into it, especially a young kid.”




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