Home Entertainment ‘Survivor’ Season 41 Update: Filming Date & Location

‘Survivor’ Season 41 Update: Filming Date & Location

‘Survivor’ Season 41 Update: Filming Date & Location


Jeff Probst has hosted Survivor since its inception in 2000.

Survivor fans are clamoring for any tidbit of information about when their favorite show will return. There had been talk about filming in a Caribbean location and of filming three seasons in 2021 so the show can return in the summer. Now there is a new update from Inside Survivor, a reliable source for Survivor filming information.

Here’s what you need to know:

Filming Will Probably Start in April

VideoVideo related to ‘survivor’ season 41 update: filming date & location2021-01-15T10:01:53-05:00

According to its sources, Inside Survivor says that filming for season 41 will hopefully begin in April and then resume in June for season 42. What this means is that there is probably not going to be a summer season. It’s not impossible to film in April and get the show on the air in June — that’s basically what the show did in season one.

But if CBS aired season 41 in June and then season 42 in the fall, it wouldn’t have anything to air in the spring of 2022 because apparently the idea of trying to film three seasons this calendar year is not going forward.

Inside Survivor reports that casting for seasons 41 and 42 is being finalized — the final round took place virtually at the end of 2020, plus applicants who were in the finals pre-pandemic had to be psychologically evaluated again to ensure they’re still OK to play the game after the pandemic.

CBS is looking to cast season 43 starting in August at the earliest, which doesn’t indicate the network would get that season filmed in the fall. It’s not impossible, but for now — fans will most likely have to wait until the fall for season 41 and spring 2022 for season 42.

‘Survivor’ Will Remain in Fiji

VideoVideo related to ‘survivor’ season 41 update: filming date & location2021-01-15T10:01:53-05:00

Inside Survivor also says that filming is going to stay in Fiji, which is where the show has been filmed since season 33. The production has a firmly established relationship with the Fijian people, so it’s no surprise that the show wanted to remain there if at all possible, but it’s a little bit surprising that they were able to because Fiji has been on very tight lockdown during the pandemic.

The show had been looking at Caribbean locations, specifically the Dominican Republic, but Inside Survivor says that its sources believe Survivor and the CBS executives were able to strike a deal with the Fijian government to gain special access to the country for filming.

We would imagine there will be extensive COVID testing involving in filming. MTV’s The Challenge recently filmed a season in Iceland and the producers revealed they conducted over 3,000 COVID tests while filming. And in June 2020, Fijian Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama released a statement about how the country could safely begin filming movies and TV and it involved testing and screenings.

“As we return to a ‘new normal,’ we’re also rekindling hope for Fiji’s vital film and television industry. We’ll be taking similar steps to New Zealand, who has moved to safely resume production of the sequel to Avatar,” the statement read. “Again, this will be done in a completely safe and controlled manner. Cast and crew won’t even be allowed to board their plane without proof of a negative COVID-19 test, and will be screened for symptoms both before boarding and upon landing.

“They’ll then be entered into government-designated quarantine — whether that’s a preapproved hotel or a remote isolated island — for the mandatory 14-day period. Absolutely all quarantine and testing costs will be borne by the production company.”

So, look for Survivor to begin filming in a couple of months and then season 41 will probably premiere in September 2021 like a fall season normally would.

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