Home Entertainment ‘The Bachelor’ 2020 After The Final Rose Spoilers & Recap

‘The Bachelor’ 2020 After The Final Rose Spoilers & Recap

‘The Bachelor’ 2020 After The Final Rose Spoilers & Recap


The first night of The Bachelor’s two-night finale was certainly filled with drama and tension. Peter Weber’s parents made their feelings abundantly clear — choose Hannah Ann Sluss, she’s the one for you.

But Peter and Madison Prewett couldn’t just ignore their feelings. It seemed like maybe they were going to work through their issues, but in the end, Madison said that their need for each other and their desire to make this work was clouding their judgment as to whether they are really compatible. And then she quit the show.

It left Peter reeling because now the choice has been for him as to who wins his heart — except he doesn’t want Hannah Ann to win by default, and presumably if she knew Madison quit, she wouldn’t want that either. Now he has a big decision to make. Is Hannah Ann the one? Or will he arrive at the After the Final Rose live reunion a single man?

Follow along here with our live recap, but be warned of spoilers. All times Eastern.

8:00 — This meme pretty much sums it up for most of us, right?

8:05 — Hey, Kelley Flanagan is there! And so is Neil Lane! Whoa. That lends some credence to the theory that Peter will be proposing during After the Final Rose.  It is probably not to Kelley, but wouldn’t that be wild?!

8:10 — But first! We finally catch up to the flash-forward they’ve been teasing all season. It is in reference to Chris Harrison telling Peter that Hannah Ann might not be coming to the final rose ceremony. She’s having doubts about how she gives so much to Peter and doesn’t feel like he gives her enough in return. Honestly, this feels a little bit contrived. Hannah Ann was all in with Peter like five seconds ago.

8:17 — Peter echoes those sentiments when he says it “makes no sense” that Hannah Ann might not show up. Yeah, this is a little over the top. Also, is she wearing a wedding dress to the proposal?

8:22 — When the big moment comes, Peter says to her, “I have to follow my heart. So, Madison, she actually left two days ago.” But he hesitated ever so slightly after he said, “So, Madison” and I swear to God I thought he pulled a Ross Gellar and called her by the wrong name! That would certainly be the most dramatic ending, LOL. But instead, he tells Hannah Ann that she’s everything he has ever wanted and he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. She starts squealing and crying and then the big proposal comes. If you want to see the ginormous pear-shaped diamond engagement ring, check it out here.

8:35 — After wrapping the show, Peter comes to his parents’ house to reveal his choice. This is the preview they showed last night where his mom started scream-crying. He strings things out a bit and his mom is obviously on pins and needles, worried that he chose Madison. So when he reveals his pick is Hannah Ann, she absolutely loses it. She calls Hannah Ann her “daughter” and says this is the best outcome and it’s exactly what they wanted. Boy, if he changes his mind and ends up with Madison, how awkward is this in hindsight?

8:45 — Hannah Ann comes to visit Peter in L.A. It’s been a month since they’ve seen each other and he calls her his rock, but she’s wondering if he still really wants to be together? Peter starts crying and she says she said yes to them being a partnership and being teammates, so if he can’t love her that way in return, this isn’t going to work. She then cries and says he took away her first engagement. Oof, yeah. Even if this is a total fraud (I’m not saying it is, but if it is), she still doesn’t ever get to get engaged for the first time again.

8:55 — Peter cries and apologizes, saying this isn’t what he envisioned and she says, “Imagine me!” She puts him on blast for being so torn and conflicted and going back on his word. She is also furious that he took away “the most precious moment” of her life. She says she’s strong, she’s her own rock and he doesn’t have to worry about her.

9:10 — Time for Peter and Hannah Ann to speak for the first time since their breakup. She wants to know how he could say that all those things to her, knowing how important getting engaged was to her, and keep saying things that would keep her around when he wasn’t fully committed? She says it’s like he didn’t understand the weight of his words or how seriously she was taking it. Hannah Ann makes a really good point when she says Peter should have told her more about Madison leaving and the extent of his feelings for Madison before the proposal, not during the proposal. She also then drops a bombshell about him reaching out to Hannah Brown for closure. Did he do that after the show wrapped?! What?!

9:12 — Hannah Ann is coming off so good here, why wasn’t she in consideration for bachelorette? Do you think she didn’t want the gig?

9:20 — So now we get footage of Chris Harrison going to Auburn, Alabama, at some point to talk to Madison. This is presumably after Peter broke it off with Hannah Ann. Madison gets choked up and talks about how hard this has been for her since leaving Australia. Peter’s mom rolls her eyes in the audience. That woman, you guys.

9:25 — Harrison tells Madison that Peter still loves her and this is her second chance, so she says, “I guess we’re heading to L.A. … I am so sweaty.”  LOL. I love Madison so much.

9:32 — It’s after 9:30 ET. At this rate, we aren’t going to get Clare Crawley’s first five bachelors tonight, you guys!

9:36 — Madison goes to Peter’s house and it is actually quite a surprise for him, he was expecting Chris Harrison. Harrison’s in-studio joke about wearing heels (again) was a solid LOL. But anyway, Madison tells Peter there is still so much love in her heart for him. He echoes those sentiments and apologizes for messing this up so badly. Then he wonders, “So, what do we do?” and we cut back to the studio and Peter says he hasn’t seen Madison since that day. Wait, what?! When was that?! How long ago? Are they not being allowed to date? Ugh, this is so confusing.

9:39 — Madison comes out to join the After the Final Rose. Apparently, that last scene happened “a couple of weeks ago,” according to Peter. Anyway, Madison says their feelings for each other never went away and when Harrison came to Auburn and told her what was happening with Peter and Hannah Ann, it was a lot to process.

9:42 — Peter says they need to take it one step at a time right now because they both hurt each other and they both have a lot of healing to do.

9:50 — Things took a real turn when Chris Harrison started asking Peter’s mom Barbara about her feelings. Read more about that here. Suffice to say, it sounds like Peter and Madison are going to try to be together and basically Peter’s family hates her.

READ NEXT: What Happened on ‘The Bachelor’ Last Night?



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