Home Entertainment This ‘Bachelor’ Production Spoiler Will Change the Way You Watch the Show

This ‘Bachelor’ Production Spoiler Will Change the Way You Watch the Show

This ‘Bachelor’ Production Spoiler Will Change the Way You Watch the Show

ABC/Aaron Poole

The Bachelor is not a scripted show by any means, but there are times that the producers step in to make sure that things are going the way they want them to — for good television. Whether that means encouraging the lead to give roses to dramatic people, or setting things up to make sure that dates go a certain way, it seems as though there are times when things are finessed.

For example, when watching The Bachelor or The Bachelorette, you may get annoyed when one of the cast members walks up to the lead and interrupts them in the middle of a conversation. Sometimes, these disruptions can even seem rude. Well, apparently, these interruptions are only done with permission!

This major behind-the-scenes spoiler changes that aspect of the show completely!

Former Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky Manno recently dished on some serious production spoilers when it comes to that one-on-one time with the show’s lead. It all went down when Fedotowsky Manno opened a Bachelor-centric Q&A to her followers on Instagram. She was asked if the girls were “told” when they can go talk to the Bachelor during the cocktail party… and her answer? Was yes!

Here’s what you need to know:

The Girls or Guys Are Not Allowed to Interrupt the Lead Without Permission, Ali Fedotowsky Manno Explained

ABC/Craig SjodinContestants on season 25 of ‘The Bachelor’ chatting during the cocktail portion of a rose ceremony.

We see it in almost every episode. It’s the cocktail party. The girls or the guys need to fight for their time with the lead because they want to get a rose. The lead is sitting on a couch with someone and then someone shows up and says something like, “do you mind if I steal him?”

Thanks to Fedotowsky Manno, we now know that these people aren’t just blindly taking it upon themselves to interrupt some good conversations. Some of them are sent in at the most inopportune times… on purpose!

“You cannot just go interrupt somebody. You have to get producer permission. That’s why I always say not to get mad at the girls that interrupt because they were told that they could go do that or told they couldn’t. It’s not all on the girls. The show is produced, too!” Fedotowsky Manno shared.

Bachelor Nation’s Dylan Barbour Claims That Producers Have ‘Nearly All Control’ When it Comes to Who Stays & Who Goes

ABC/Craig SjodinMatt James hands ‘Queen’ Victoria Larson a rose at his first rose ceremony on ‘The Bachelor.’

Fedotowsky Manno previously shared that producers never told her who to give roses to or who to send home, but she said that these things were encouraged by the producers. The former Bachelorette isn’t the only person who revealed some behind-the-scenes tea, either.

Over the weekend, former Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise star Dylan Barbour went on a bit of a Twitter rant over the weekend, and he spilled some of his own BTS spoilers. A fan asked Barbour how much “control” the producers on the show have when it comes to “who stays and who goes.”

Barbour’s response was simple: “Nearly all control.” He closed out the exposing of dirty laundry (as he called it) with a final thought. “They need you until they don’t,” he wrote, apparently suggesting that the producers most likely use the cast of a given franchise show to ensure good television.

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