Home Entertainment Top 5 First Metal Concert Tips You Can’t Ignore

Top 5 First Metal Concert Tips You Can’t Ignore

Top 5 First Metal Concert Tips You Can’t Ignore

Whether you’re seeing Lamb of God or Fozzy play live at a venue near you, your first metal concert will blow your mind. After all, like most metal fans will tell you, there’s no experience like hearing metal music being played live in front of you.

However, seeing as it’s your first metal concert, you might be a little inexperienced. Don’t worry, though, because these tips are here to help guide you through the process from beginning to end.

✅ Take Your Smartphone with You

First things first: take your smartphone with you.

It doesn’t matter if you’re going to a metal concert alone or with friends; you need to take your smartphone. The main reason for this is in case you get into an emergency situation, such as being lost in the crowd. Not to mention, smartphones are great for killing time while you wait for the main act to arrive on stage. Whenever you feel like it, you can grab your smartphone and fire up some online casino games from one of the casinos online Canada while you wait. For example, online slots are great for playing pre-concert, as they help to pass the time and prevent you from becoming bored.

✅ Arrive Early

Generally, it’s recommended that you arrive at metal concerts early so that you can:

Plus, arriving early also ensures that you don’t get stuck in traffic, arrive late, have trouble finding your seat, and even miss part of the metal concert.

✅ Be Careful of the “Mosh Pit”

At most metal concerts, there’s something called a “mosh pit“. Here, standing fans will come together and “mosh” during a particular song. Although it’s relatively fun and harmless, it can be a little dangerous, especially if you’re on the younger side or are slightly smaller than others. Therefore, if you want to stay as safe as possible, it’s recommended you avoid the “mosh pit” for your first concert. If it’s not a problem, though, you can jump into the “mosh pit” and have a great time!

✅ Buy Merchandise

You should be able to find several merchandise stalls while you’re there. Check them out to see if there’s any merchandise you like from your favorite metal band. This will likely include t-shirts, hats, wallets, and more.

✅ Plan When You’re Going to Leave

Finally, plan when you’re going to leave. At metal concerts, you have 2 choices:

  • Stay until the very end
  • Leave slightly earlier to avoid the crowds

Because it’s your first metal concert, it’s recommended you stay until the end to really make the most of it. You might need to find some food or drink to wait for the crowds to die down and not be stuck in the rush of leaving, though. However, if you want to avoid the end rush where everybody files out at the same time, you should leave 5 or 10 minutes early. Have fun!



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