Home Entertainment VIDEO: Kanye West Encourages Voters to Write Him in for President

VIDEO: Kanye West Encourages Voters to Write Him in for President


Kanye 2020

Kanye West posted a presidential ad on October 12, 2020.

Kanye West has released a video encouraging voters to either vote for him or write him in for president of the United States on Monday, October 12, 2020. He released the video on all his social media platforms – including his new Instagram – with the caption, “we stepping out on faith.” During the video, West describes his vision and destiny for America by narrating his hopes for the future. The video, as seen below, spans one minute and 22 seconds long and focuses on West’s belief in faith for a country.

The 43-year-old rapper narrates the ad with a black and white American flag in the background. “America, what is America’s destiny?” he begins in the video. “What is best for our nation, our people? What is just, true justice? We have to think about all these things together as a people to contemplate our future, to live up to our dream, we must have vision.”

West then emphasizes his belief in faith and prayer. “To what our constitution calls the free exercise of religion, including of course prayer,” he says in the video. “Through prayer, faith can be restored. We as a people are called to a greater purpose than ourselves. We are not only a beacon to the world, but we should be servants to each other, to encourage each other, to help each other, to lift up each other…We have to act on faith.”

Kim Kardashian’s husband ends the video by stating his belief that strong faith and families will make America great. “We will build a stronger country by building stronger families,” he says. “Families are the building blocks of society, of a nation. By turning to faith, we will be the kind of nation, the kind of people, God intends us to be.” The last three slides read, “Vote Kanye West,” and “Write In Kanye West.”

West’s Name Made the Presidential Ballot for a Handful of States

VIDEO: Kanye West Encourages Voters to Write Him in for PresidentVIDEO: Kanye West Encourages Voters to Write Him in for President

GettyKanye West announced his bid for presidency on July 4.

Kanye West announced his bid for presidency of the United States via Twitter on July 4. He tweeted, “We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States! #2020VISION.”

As of mid-September, according to ABC News, the rapper will appear on the ballot for 12 states: Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, and Vermont. Most recently, West made the California ballot in early October as the running mate of car dealer Rocky De La Fuenta Guerra under the American Independent Party ticket, according to Patch.

Since West announced his presidency only four months before the election, he has had to overcome obstacles to appear on the ballot. West dropped between $3.5 and $4.5 million to get signatures in states just for him to appear on the ballot, according to TMZ. A majority of that money went to Arizona, and he even gathered 93,000 signatures, but the Arizona Supreme Court rejected his ballot appearance. He also spent over $300,000 doing the same for both Ohio and Virginia to only face the same state Supreme Court rejection. West has previously failed to meet deadlines, including missing Wisconsin’s ballot deadline by 14 seconds, according to Variety.

West began encouraging fans to write him in when he tweeted a photo of a friend’s ballot on Thursday, October 8. The ballot shows a filled-in bubble for the “Write-in” option, and someone wrote, “Kanye West.” West tweeted the photo along with the caption, “Friends writing me in” with the dove emoji.

West’s Run for Presidency Created Headlines

GettyKanye West tweeted various unsubstantiated claims in July and September.

Shortly after, West announced his bid for presidency, he immediately created headlines. Two weeks later, West held a campaign event in South Carolina where he claimed in part that Harriet Tubman didn’t free any slaves. He also revealed that when Kardashian was pregnant with their first child, daughter North, he initially wanted her to get an abortion. “I almost killed my daughter,” he said during the event. “No more Plan B, Plan A.”

Since July, the presidential candidate has continued to draw attention to his campaign through various Twitter sprees. Only a day after his South Carolina appearance, West posted a series of concerning tweets regarding his wife and mother-in-law on July 20. He claimed Kardashian, “tried to bring a doctor to lock me up with a doctor.”

He added in another tweet, “Kim was trying to fly to Wyoming with a doctor to lock me up like on the movie Get Out because I cried about saving my daughters life yesterday.” In another tweet, he wrote, “Everybody knows the movie get out is about me.”

Since his July twitter spree, West tweeted additional accusations regarding music producers and musician’s rights, death threats, and white supremacy. Kardashian hasn’t publicly addressed her reaction to his latest spree, but a source told People that she had no idea West was going on another twitter spree. “It’s the same thing over and over and over again,” the source told People. “He’s on very thin ice with her right now, and she’s truly trying to decide what to do to protect the kids, but also her own sanity. The whole thing is discouraging and difficult for her.”

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