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Vidya Balan pledges to donate 1000 PPE kits, urges all to support war against coronavirus COVID-19

Vidya Balan pledges to donate 1000 PPE kits, urges all to support war against coronavirus COVID-19

New Delhi: Amid the deadly novel coronavirus outbreak our healthcare people are as good as soldiers, who are working rigorously for the betterment and speedy recovery of the infected people.

At this crucial hour, actress Vidya Balan has decided to make a personal donation of 1000 PPE kits to our health care heroes and also requesting citizens to join her in raising funds to provide 1000 more kits. Our medicos are the people who come in constant contact with the infected people and transmission of this deadly virus into one medical staff may lead to 8-12 people from the unit quarantined at one go resulting into the hospitals serving us into full capacity. 

Vidya has pledged to help our heroes in her own way by urging everyone’s support to raise funds for these PPE kits. 

Vidya always has appreciated her supporters with little things and for all the supporters who will be contributing to the medical staff for these PPE kits Vidya will be sending a personal thank you message to them and that is a great personal memory for any person. This is a very sweet gesture by Vidya as it will inspire people to do their bit towards the medical fraternity of our country.

Hope we all are going to the least at this essential hour, the country needs us or better to say our medical heroes need our support and each contribution surely counts and hence please come forward and support such a noble cause with all your hearts.




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