Home Entertainment Watch: Chris Lopez Responds To Kailyn Lowry’s Boudoir Photos

Watch: Chris Lopez Responds To Kailyn Lowry’s Boudoir Photos

Watch: Chris Lopez Responds To Kailyn Lowry’s Boudoir Photos


Chris Lopez broke his silence on “Teen Mom 2” star Kailyn Lowry’s boudoir photoshoot.

Chris Lopez broke his silence on Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry’s boudoir photoshoot. The exes share two children together: 3-year-old Lux and 2-month-old Romello Creed. They haven’t always been on the best terms, but after Kailyn’s new pictures debuted, Chris said she was a “fine a** woman.”

Fine ass woman, right? Let’s get that shit straight out there,” he said on Instagram Live, according to a recording obtained by Teen Mom Talk.

Chris said people had been sending screenshots of Kailyn’s pictures to him and he wants them to stop. “Kail is fucking beautiful, but stop sending me her pictures. That’s all I want to say. Let’s get that out there. No shade. No nothing. Just stop sending me her pictures.”

According to the father-of-two, the new photos helped some people understand why he kept reconnecting with the mother-of-four. “People are saying, ‘Now I see why you’re stuck on her, now I see why you keep going back to her. No. Let’s get another thing straight,” he said. “It’s not because of her looks why I f***ed with her. Her looks added on to it, her body is cool, but she’s a cool a** person besides all the bullsh** she’s really a dope a** person. But that’s it.”

Kailyn Says She Is Proud of Her Body

The Teen Mom 2 star was inspired to do the photoshoot to respect her body for what it’s done: “birthed four humans.” She said people have expected her “body to bounce back” and that she’s been shamed for taking time for herself and working out at the gym.

“Motherhood isn’t supposed to be a competition – and neither are our bodies,” she wrote on Instagram. “This shoot was a challenge for me. I’ve birthed four humans & people expect my body to snap back immediately. When it doesn’t I get body-shamed, when I go to the gym it’s selfish. When I love my body, it’s unhealthy. There is no ‘winning’ for me in the court of public opinion.”

Kailyn is going to start her journey to get healthy and she wanted to commemorate the process with photos of how she looked “before.”

“I decided I would start here–a photoshoot to be proud of my body and really love what it has been capable of doing four times, but also as a starting point in my fitness & health journey,” she said.

Kailyn Wants To Lose 50 Pounds

The Teen Mom 2 star first opened up about her weight loss goals during her podcast, Coffee Convos, saying she wanted to drop 50 pounds.

“My goal right now is to drop 50 pounds and join the Air Force Reserves,” the 28-year-old said on September 17, according to In Touch Weekly. “I have to get my head in the game.”

The star is working out at a local gym and watching her diet.  “It’s not CrossFit— but… it’s like CrossFit in that way,” she said. “But it’s like, resistance bands and you wear a harness and stuff and you do these cool workouts.”

Kailyn enjoys exercise, but it’s eating healthy that she struggles with. We’ve talked about this before,” she told co-host Lindsie Chrisley. “Working out is not the problem for me, it’s the eating that’s a huge issue for me.”

Kailyn Lowry Weight Loss Goals: ‘Teen Mom’ To Lose 50 Pounds



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