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Will Dr. Claire Browne & Dr. Neil Melendez Get Together on ‘The Good Doctor’?



Dr. Melendez lies injured on the season 3 finale of “The Good Doctor”.

Will Dr. Claire Browne and Neil Melendez find romance on TV show “The Good Doctor”? Fans are hoping the two will finally get together.

Throughout season 3 of The Good Doctor, Melendez and Brown have been getting closer as friends and colleagues. Browne started confiding in Melendez, her boss, and soon, the two were running together. They became friends and worked well together in the operating room. At one point, Melendez was accused of giving Browne special treatment by Dr. Morgan Reznick. Melendez assured Dr. Audrey Lim, the Chief of Surgery, that his relationship with Browne was platonic. Lim also happens to be Melendez’s ex.

Fast forward a few episodes and Melendez was encouraging Browne to move forward in her love life, though he didn’t seem entirely pleased about her dating the husband of a patient who died. But, the moment that really got fans excited for a possible Melendez-Browne romance was when Browne confessed to her therapist that she was in love with her boss.

If Dr. Melendez Dies on ‘The Good Doctor’ Season 3 Finale There Will Be No Relationship

Something that could put an end to a possible Melendez and Browne relationship before it even starts could be death …

On part 1 of the season 3 finale, the two work together in operating on the spine of someone at the scene of a major earthquake. Melendez pays Browne a compliment during the surgery and Browne appears to be moved by his kind words. Unfortunately, ended up Melendez suffering some kind of injury which caused him to vomit and faint at the end of the episode. Browne was at his side. Earlier in the episode, Melendez had been caught in the earthquake. As a result, he could have sustained a major injury from falling parts of the building.

Ahead of the finale, the show’s previews lead fans to believe that a beloved character could die. But, if Melendez dies from an internal injury, fans will be outraged. One Twitter user wrote, “If Melendez dies I’m done.” Another fan wrote, “I will say it again; if Melendez dies, I’m gonna riot.”

Fans Have Been Referring to Melendez and Browne as “Melendaire”

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck were “Bennifer”. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were “Brangelina”. Claire Browne and Neil Melendez are being called “Melendaire” by fans.

After part 1 of the season 3 finale of The Good Doctor, one Twitter commenter used the hashtag “Melendaire” and wrote, “Claire just went straight to asking Neil if he’s okay and start examining him to make sure. Her concern and him reassuring her, they’re acting like a couple even before officially being one Smiling face with 3 hearts #melendaire #thegooddoctor.”

Another Twitter user listed sweet quotes between the two characters from the show. The tweet reads:

“You’re smart, you’re special.”

“I’m still grateful that I work with you”

“You deserve to be happy.”

“Spend enough time around Dr. Browne you get used to incredible”

“Being around you makes me a better surgeon … better person.”

With the above quotes, the Twitter user wrote #Melendaire as one of the hashtags.

So, will Melendez and Browne finally get together? For all those Melendaire shippers out there, cross your fingers that Melendez pulls through his injury and he is able to find love with Browne.

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