A Serious Entity Most of Us Overlook While Dealing With Fortune Tellers

Product Name: A Serious Entity Most of Us Overlook While Dealing With Fortune Tellers

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A Serious Entity Most of Us Overlook While Dealing With Fortune Tellers

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A Serious Entity Most of Us Overlook While Dealing With Fortune Tellers is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


If you are like most people, your life is like a puzzle with mismatched
pieces. While you struggle year after year to make things work, the pieces
never completely snap together. The puzzle is never fully complete……

There are
pieces missing, things just don’t feel right, and you know that changes are

That is when you may turn to fortune
tellers for their insight into the purpose of your life.

You may turn to fortune tellers to
enlighten you and help you finally put your puzzle together in a peaceful
manner. Unfortunately, not everyone offering fortune
telling services in our modern world can give you what you need.

Let me start off by saying that I know fortune
telling has been around for many years and there is a rich history in
its validity for humans seeking guidance. I have nothing against fortune tellers and am not here to tell you
that there is no way to see the future or that all fortune tellers are scam artists.

In fact, I believe is important for everyone to receive cosmic insight into
the true purpose of their life. I just want you to understand the world of fortune telling as it is today so that you get
what you truly deserve and need when you ask for this insight.

If you are waiting for my sales pitch for my own fortune telling services, it won’t happen on
this page. Read and absorb the information because I want this to benefit you.

From the desk of Jayanti Ghosh,

My name is Jayanti. I live in India
where astrology, palmistry, numerology and other similar practices are
commonplace. Most of the accomplished, well-respected fortune tellers known around the world have
visited my country at some point to gain a deeper understanding of the power
that lies in their art. What people in many areas of the world consider
eccentric or elusive is mainstream in my world.

While fortune telling has always been
a part of my life, I started seriously studying the art when I was five years
old. I have practiced numerology for the past 30 years, and in that time I have
helped approximately 50,000 people from all over the world gain valuable insight
into their lives.

My passion lies in helping people figure out the puzzle
pieces of their life so that they eventually fit together easily. That means
every aspect of their life flows together with harmony.

I look forward to helping more even more people in
the coming decades of my life. My clients share the biggest joys and most
difficult struggles of their life with me, and they trust me to help them
create more times of joy in their futures.

From working with my clients over the years, I have gained a full
understanding of what people want when they turn to fortune tellers.

I understand
what drives them to seek that insight into their lives, but I also know that
not all fortune tellers are as accurate
and insightful as many believe….

If you have ever scoured the Internet in search of insight into your life,
answers to your problems, and resources to help you overcome struggles, I know
what you are searching for and understand your thirst for information, for
solutions. I also know what you will find once you start searching around

I have a true love for numerology and astrology, so I understand the
excitement that overwhelms you when a report is delivered and you know insight
into your life will be revealed. I want you to feel that excitement and benefit
from that insight, but I don’t want you to place your trust in reports that are
not accurate.

Either a sincere fortune teller or numerologist is providing authentic
insight into your life, or someone who means well is fortune telling while reading the charts

Should You Trust “Expert” Reports?

So many fortune telling services and
websites try to earn trust and respect by claiming that their reports are
created by experts. There are some questions that should naturally cross your
mind when you come across these “expert” reports:

Unfortunately, online fortune telling
services do not reveal details about their “experts!!!!”

As a consumer, you have
no opportunity to verify the reports that they deliver unless you have some
experience with fortune telling and can
validate the readings yourself.

This is not limited to fortune telling
services you come across online. When you come across someone offering these
services in person, make sure you know who they really are because many present
themselves with inauthentic names and titles.

What are You Really Getting for Your Investment?

Whenever you spend time reading a report, you are making an investment. Even
if the report is free, you are investing your energy, time and heart.

You may
fully believe what the report or prediction tells you, only to discover much
later that it was inaccurate. When you come across fortune telling services, you must ask what you
are getting in return for your investment.

Let me give you an example from numerology, since that is my expertise.
Numerology reports will often tell you which careers you are best suited for
depending on your birth number. Every number is associated with different career
options. For example, great teachers are often associated with the number

Many people will get excited knowing that their birth number points them in
the direction of a given career field. Most will not know that an authentic
numerologist should look far beyond the birth number before recommending
careers or other insights. An authentic numerologist will also look at your
soul urge number and other vibrations that come from your name.

You will never find happiness if your career conflicts with your soul urge
number or any other vibration stemming from your name. Your career is one of
the most important pieces in the puzzle of your life, but a numerologist can
only guide you toward the best career for your life after checking all of these
vibrations and numbers. Your birth number is only the starting point.

If you don’t want to change your career, then an authentic numerologist can
help you find other solutions. For instance, you may make a slight change to
your name in order to keep your name number in line with your
soul urge number and other vibrations coming from your name.

How can computer software balance all of this information in order to guide
you in the right direction? It can’t, and that is why so many online fortune telling services deliver inaccurate
information. It is too generalized to ever help an individual person with

Don’t place your trust in just anyone.

Make sure you know
who is evaluating and giving you a prediction. Determine their experience and
put their predictions to the test. Have other real people had success with
their predictions? Are they willing to be open and honest about who they are
and what they will provide you in exchange for your trust, time and money.

If you give your trust where it is not deserved, the result for your life
can be tragic.

Imagine chasing a teaching degree for years, feeling miserable,
but doing so because someone told you it was your life calling. If you find out
years later that you were deceived by an inaccurate report, how will you feel?
Devastated, and rightly so.

Timing is important when making all pieces of your life fit together
perfectly. There is a study in astrology that allows you to determine
auspicious timing for particular ventures. For example, you can determine the
best time to start a business, build your dream house, or get married. Experts
of fortune telling can tap into this
study and tell you auspicious times for various events coming up in your life.

What they may not tell you is that the worst times in your life often start
right after those auspicious times. So, if your best time is six in the
evening, you may find it harder to complete a given task at ten that evening.

What happens if you trust the auspicious dates given to you in a fortune
teller’s report, but that report turns out to be inaccurate?

You will structure important events of your life on information that is
inaccurate, and your life will be out of balance as a result. You can turn your
wheel around entirely, and you don’t get what you deserved from that fortune

Let’s Talk About the Solution, Not the Problem

If you subscribe to my newsletter, you recently received a message from me
that urged you not to give blind faith to anyone. The response to this
newsletter was tremendous.

Many of you asked how you can find authentic fortune tellers without paying the enormous
fees charged by well-know figures in the field or trusting those who could turn
out to be scam artists or simply inaccurate.

My solution may surprise many of you, but it is what I believe to be the
solution to the problem: Become your own fortune teller and stop trusting

You may be looking around and thinking, “Me? Does she mean me?” Yes, I mean
you. With my collection of seven eBooks, you will learn all of the secrets of fortune telling. These are not basic books that
skim over information you can find online for free. These books go in-depth on
topics you need to delve into your future. These are books to study and read
over and over as you develop new skills.

There are many other things you can learn about fortune telling, but this collection includes
the most popular guides I currently offer. It is an excellent way to get
started with your exploration into fortune telling.
If you already have some knowledge, this collection will help you further your

Does this mean you can never take advantage of expert readings again?
Absolutely not! It simply means you will have the ability to verify the
predictions others make to you. This can ensure you don’t waste time following
predictions that are not accurate for your life.

The Layman’s Guide to Fortune Telling
– The Benefits

What Do You Get In the Collection?

The first book in The Layman’s Guide to Fortune
Telling contains 327 pages and is focused on Astrology. It will help you
understand what astrology is and how it is used in fortune telling. Reading the entire book will
benefit you, but there are a couple chapters you may choose to skip if you want
to focus exclusively on astrology as it relates to predictions. This book is in
layman’s terms, so you will understand all of the information presented.

The second book focuses on numerology. I have am an expert with more than 30
years of experience in this field, and I find it much easier to apply to your
life than astrology. This book will help you understand numerology enough to
calculate a variety of numbers derived from your birthdate and full name.
Whether you want to apply this knowledge to your life directly or use it to
verify information given to you by someone else, you will find this book an
invaluable resource.

The third book focuses on palmistry. This is not the most popular form of
prediction, but it is incredibly accurate. This art started in India and was
spread to the Western world through Cheiro and other popular palm readers.
Cheiro actually wrote this eBook, so you will learn from one of the masters.
The book contains 205 pages, and that includes 60 illustrations that will help
you apply your knowledge in real life.
The remaining four books in the collection will further your ability to make
predictions about your future. They focus on the following subjects:

The book on tarot card reading is incredibly valuable because it allows you
to find answers to your biggest life questions.

You don’t have to rely upon fortune tellers to get the answers you need.
You can do it for yourself and save a lot of money.

Fenshui is helps you align your living environment to the positive energies
of your life. This practice has been around for thousands of years, and with
just a few changes in your home, you can embrace the benefits of positive life

If you don’t think you will actually read all of the books included in this
collection, this is still a great opportunity that you should take advantage of
while it is available. You never know what information you will need in the
future as you explore fortune telling

If you are asking questions about the true value of this collection, good
for you! You are following my advice not to give anyone blind trust. Don’t just
take my word for it. Here are some words of faith from real people who have
used The Layman’s Guide to Fortune Telling
to enrich their lives. Use their words to validate what I am telling you about
the collection.

have known Jayanti Mam for a really long time now. As a matter of fact she had
prepared a numerological chart for me nearly two years back. Her predictions
were not only accurate but they also proved true for me. Such a result invoked
my interest in the field of numerology, this is when I was seeking her guidance
in finding out the apt course and the correct books to educate myself on
numerology and acquaint myself with the art. She had recommended me this
package, and to be really honest with you, it literally blew my mind. I shall
strongly recommend it and suggest you all to purchase these books. You will
simply love those.”  

Andes Rizaly Sonjaya, Majalengka, Indonesia.

“The books
are superb and excellent. When I first read through the site and reviewed the prices,
I initially thought those must be in form of such reports. There are many low
price eBooks available on the internet, which only provide 10-20 pages of
report. But in this case I was pleasantly surprised to find materials to be
around 1000 pages. I shall request you to let the rates be as it is and not raise
the price for as long as possible. People will love you for doing so.”

“Greetings all!  My name is Andre’ and I reside in the U.S. to be honest,
I can be skeptical and I hadn’t put much thought into the subject of
Astrology. To me it seemed it was all a form of superstition. However,
after having read The Art of Astrology(inside the package), I am not resigned to astrology
simply being a superstition. I can not wait to read the rest of the
series and I am glad these books are offered at such an affordable

Are You Ready to Change Your Life?

There are more than 1,000 pages of material in The Layman’s Guide to Fortune Telling. That may seem like a lot, but
it is meant to help you progress your prediction skills over a period of time.
You can study at your own pace and learn how to do all of the following:

These are services that many people pay the “experts” a lot of money to
receive. The Layman’s Guide to Fortune Telling
will show you how to do these things for yourself, with accuracy, so you won’t
have to pay someone else to give you the life-changing information you need.

Want to do something fun? Learn from my guide to fortune telling, and then compare the
information you come up with against free reports and predictions found online.
You will see just how inaccurate so many of those free “expert” resources
actually are.

Use Bad Times to Your Advantage

One of the biggest benefits of studying The Layman’s Guide to Fortune Telling is knowing when a period of
darkness will come over some aspect of your life. You will know where those
dark pieces fit into the puzzle of your life and can prepare for them
accordingly. Everyone moves through periods of darkness and light, good and bad.
Most just don’t have the advantage of knowing when the bad times are coming.

Prosper to the Highest Degree

How many times have you wished the following for your own life or the lives
of your loved ones?

Everyone wants these things, but few know how to maximize these positives in
their life. When you learn to predict the future accurately with astrology,
numerology and palm reading, you will know when to take particular actions in
your life for maximum success.

Shake free of negative energy and surround yourself with the light of
positive energy. Rather than dwelling in the pain of dark times, determine when
things will look up and start planning ahead for those good times. You will
always know with certainty that better times are on the horizon, and that
brings hope where despair normally resides.

If you are at all interested in fortune
telling, you deserve the chance to do for yourself what others may do
for profit. Don’t fall for well-meaning but improperly trained “experts.” The
Layman’s Guide to Fortune Telling will
help you do it yourself, and do it right.

If you are ready to change your life through accurate fortune telling, I am going to add a bonus to
the current Layman’s Guide to Fortune Telling

I don’t offer many packages and make sure every one offered is of
exceptional quality without the need for bonuses, but you deserve something
extra today.

You deserve a bit of my time, which is my investment in you. Keep reading to
learn more about the bonus, but note that I will withdraw this bonus at some
point. Since it involves my personal involvement, I will only offer it as long
as my capacity to meet the demand is sufficient.

Jayanti, why sell your services so cheap?

I can hear you asking this now,
and I am prepared with an answer.

I am not offering this package in order to get rich. My primary goal is to
help those who want to learn more about real, honest, authentic fortune telling without falling prey to the
“experts” and scam artists operating online today.

In order to make this
happen, I asked the publisher of these eBooks to grant me resale rights of
these valuable resources. I can now offer them to you at a subsidized rate.

There’s always a catch when you find a great deal, right? I do have one
catch, but I will confess it to you openly so you are aware: I hope that some
of you will one day contact me when you want to work with a professional numerologist.

Numerology is my life and my passion, and I am one of the rare experts who
give you what you desire and what you deserve, every time, and with accuracy.
If you like my work and want to work with a professional who is sincere, I hope
you will contact me. That is the only catch to this offer, and you are by no
means obligated to do that if you benefit from The Layman’s Guide to Fortune Telling. It is simply my hope and

I promised a bonus, and I always follow through on a promise. From right now
until I am forced to withdraw the bonus, I will include everyone who purchases
The Layman’s Guide to Fortune Telling in
my inner circle.

It means you will have the privilege of working with me
at half price if you ever decide to use my personal services. Every member of
my inner circle receives these services at 50% of my normal rates.

There are only so many people I can personally help, so there will come a
point when this bonus is withdrawn. Take advantage today because the
opportunity may not be there tomorrow.

Nothing to Lose…GUARANTEED

How many times have you said that to yourself while looking back at your
past? There was a time when I would have killed for the information provided in
The Layman’s Guide to Fortune Telling.

am giving it to you because I want to help others find the life-changing
insight that I have today.

If you find that my package is not as valuable as you thought or it isn’t
what you expected to find, simply let me know. I will refund your money, 100%,
and that is my guarantee. I will even let you stay in my inner circle, since it
is a freebie.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain…so what are you waiting for?
Take action now before the inner circle is full and the bonus is withdrawn. The
amazing package will continue to be offered, but I don’t want you to miss the
opportunity to join the inner circle.

The rest of your life is going to occur whether you know what is coming or
not. Why not ACT NOW to ensure you have some accurate prediction of what is to
come? Most people will never have that insight, but it is so valuable to those
who do.

My secure server is ready to instantly download your eBooks, so place your
order today. I can’t want to hear how this package changes your life!
Sincerely,Jayanti Ghosh
Master Numerologist


The process of payment is very easy and highly secured. You
can simply use your debit or credit card to purchase the book.

After your order has been processed you will be immediately
navigated to a page where you will be able to access the package online!
The product is available to
instantly download when you pay by credit card. 
It is delivered in the almost universally accepted
PDF format. Regardless of the time, even if it is 02.00 A.M in the night.

P.S You won’t find the information in this package anywhere else online. This
is not a repeat of information on a free website. Others in the fortune telling industry don’t want you to get
your hands on this information because it will make you more knowledgeable than
they are. I want you to have it…so please take advantage of it today.

P.P.S. I am in the test marketing phase with this package, so the price
could go up in the future. Take advantage of the package today to be among the
first to change their lives in a powerful way

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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

A Serious Entity Most of Us Overlook While Dealing With Fortune Tellers is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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