Astrology Horoscope E-books | The Spiritual Parlour

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Astrology Horoscope E-books | The Spiritual Parlour

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Astrology Horoscope E-books | The Spiritual Parlour is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


The Home of Spirituality, Astrology, Tarot, Numerology & all Things Witchy!

What’s in store for your star sign this year? Will the energy of the Universe focus on your finances, love life, career and direction, family or all of it! Find out with your own astrology e-book PDF for 2020. It’s detailed, around thirty pages long. Done by a qualified astrologer and numerologist ( me Kae the owner of The Spiritual Parlour Store), with a diploma in both numerology and astrology. Ideal as a gift or for yourself, this is a PDF file download of a fully formatted e-book, written in English and everyday language the non-astrologer will understand ( you that is). I practice Western style astrology the kind you’d more than likely be familiar with.


Introduction. – what is the Sun, Moon and Ascendant sign, why is the Vertex Point key and how does it impact us?Sign characteristics.Key planet movement and transits for 2020, relevant to the sign. How they impact the sign.Eclipse dates in 2020. How they impact the sign.Planet retrogrades for 2020. How they impact the sign.Full and New moon dates and how it impacts the sign.What is an eclipse and why they are important?The types of eclipses?The different houses of life in astrology.A horoscope reading on average about 1,000 words long or more for the months January- December 2020 for the sign. This covers, love, career, health, challenges as well as positive times. All key dates and planet movement relevant the sign and how, where they may impact you in life here on Earth and why.

Be prepared, emotional, spiritually, mentally and energetically with your 2020 annual horoscopes

THE  PREDICTION FOR  FOR ARIES – JUST £ 5.99 !  (Instant Download)

Generally, for this Sun sign there is a lot of energy around your area of life concerned with your career and direction in life, also the area of your life where you face restrictions, or large intuitions you may deal with. This year there are also a few Moon’s ruled by Aries which will be key months and weeks for you, during these months the key focus is you yourself and how the Moon’s energy aspects the other planets. Grab your astrology e-book today for the full details  month by month.


THE  PREDICTION FOR TAURUS – JUST £ 5.99 ! (Instant Download)
Taurus Sun signs have some ‘key power weeks’ in 2020, where we have a full or new Moon in the sign. These are ideal times for you and key moments of manifestation. In addition from doing the year’s horoscopes, generally this Sun sign has a lot of energy around their area of life that deals with them as individuals, their goals, dreams, ambitions and what they desire on a soul level, also their career and direction. Grab your astrology e-book today for the full details  month by month.


THE PREDICTION FOR GEMINI- – JUST £ 5.99 ! (Instant Download)
Gemini signs have a big year ahead in 2020! With an eclipse in November at eight degrees into Gemini. This will impact on all Gemini Sun signs, but those born early into the sign will feel it the most, or who have planets at eight degrees in their birth charts. Geminis born at the very start of the sign and early into the sign 22nd -31st May maybe greatly impacted! New possibilities for all Geminis regardless of how late or early into the sign you were born. In addition from doing the year’s horoscopes, generally this Sun sign has a lot of energy around their area of life that deals with ‘death and rebirth’ meaning transformation. 2020 seems to be a deeply transformation year for this Sun sign. Grab your astrology e-book today for the full details  month by month.

THE PREDICTION FOR CANCER – JUST £ 5.99 ! (Instant Download)

Cancer Sun signs have a very big year, we have a number of eclipses in 2020 that are ruled by this sign, and some full and new Moons. These weeks will be key ‘personal power’ weeks for you in 2020. In addition from carrying out each month’s horoscope reading, in 2020 your relationships, partnerships, business and personal ones, house of marriage and legal matters are key areas. There’s a lot of energy here. Grab your astrology e-book today for the full details  month by month.


THE PREDICTION FOR LEO – JUST £ 5.99 ! (Instant Download)
Leo signs have a number of key personal ‘power weeks’ in 2020, there are new and full Moons in your energy also. These will be ideal times in the year to focus on areas where the Universe’s energy is pushing you. In addition, overall from doing your horoscopes for the year 2020, the energy of the cosmos is pointing to a very career led year. There is also lots of energy around how you earn money and the services you provide. Grab your astrology e-book today for the full details  month by month.


THE PREDICTION FOR VIRGO – JUST £ 5.99 ! (Instant Download)
Virgo signs have a number of key personal ‘power weeks’ in 2020, as there are a few new and full Moons in your energy. These will be ideal times in the year to focus on areas, where the Universe’s energy is pushing you. In addition, overall from doing your horoscopes for the year 2020, there’s a lot of energy around your house of relationships, business, home and family life. Your career and direction is also under the spotlight during the eclipse seasons! Grab your astrology e-book today for the full details  month by month.


THE PREDICTION FOR LIBRA – JUST £ 5.99 ! (Instant Download)
Libra Sun signs have a number of key personal ‘power weeks’ in 2020, as there are a few new and full Moons in your energy. These will be ideal times in the year to focus on areas, where the Universe’s energy is pushing you. In addition, overall from doing your horoscopes for the year 2020, your career, home and family life, relationships, and shared assets such as finance, property ad time have a lot of energy. Grab your astrology e-book today for the full details  month by month.


THE PREDICTION FOR SCORPIO – JUST £ 5.99 ! (Instant Download)
Scorpio Sun signs have a number of key personal ‘power weeks’ in 2020, as there are a few new and full Moons in your energy. These will be ideal times in the year to focus on areas, where the Universe’s energy is pushing you. In addition, overall from doing your horoscopes for the year 2020, your relationships, partnerships, business deals, marriage and legal matters areas of life have a lot of focused energy from the planets. Romance and money also looks very good over a few months and towards the end of the year. Grab your astrology e-book today for the full details  month by month.


Sagittarius Sun signs have a very big year, we have a number of eclipses in 2020 that are ruled by this sign, you guys are in for a ride! These weeks will be key ‘personal power’ weeks for you in 2020. In addition from carrying out each month’s horoscope reading, in 2020 your financial area of life, day to day routine, health, how you earn money, services you provide are areas with a lot of energy. There seems to be a lot of energy around fluctuating finances, and even some considerations to make with romance and love. Grab your astrology e-book today for the full details  month by month.


THE PREDICTION FOR CAPRICORN – JUST £ 5.99 ! (Instant Download)
Generally, for this Sun sign there is a lot of energy around your area of life concerned with siblings, extended family, short trips, education and learning and your local community/where you live. Also your sex, dating, romance, children, and creativity are of life. The end of the year looks very good for romance and partnerships! Grab your astrology e-book today for the full details  month by month.


THE PREDICTION FOR AQUARIUS – JUST £ 5.99 ! (Instant Download)
Generally, for this Sun sign there is a lot of energy around finances, the home life and the overall enjoyment of life. Which includes sex, dating, romance, children creativity and risk taking. This year looks like a very empowering one but a lot of energy and focus on finances, and what happens within the personal home life. Grab your astrology e-book today for the full details  month by month.


THE PREDICTION FOR PISCES – JUST £ 5.99 ! (Instant Download)
Generally, for this Sun sign there is a lot of energy around the last half of the year, following the eclipse season. This is where I found a lot of changeable, positive and very spiritual energy for this sign. Grab your astrology e-book today for the full details  month by month.


In life we all have ‘free will’ astrology is a great and accurate tool to navigate this! So readers of these ebooks can not hold The Spiritual Parlour or the creator responsible for their own actions and outcomes. These ebooks offer advice and guidance, the decision making and actions in your life, your path and your story are all down to you. Exercise your ‘free will’ and judgement how you feel suits you best.

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What a great idea to provide e books for the star signs and the fact that they are not computer generated makes these more ideal. It is also really great to hear that you provide this information in an easily readable way that you receive straight away as a PDF.

There is a lot of information on here and I would definitely purchase for a gift for someone.

Thank you so much for this information.

Hello Imelda, that’s right no reports generated from software there are a lot of them out there. These detailed e-books are written in my own words after detailed analysis on the cosmos regarding each sign! I feel that the computer generated ones often lack depth, guidance, and personalisation to really be helpful and of course accuracy. Thank you for your feedback.

Great idea… Not exactly a great start of the year for us but I hope 2020 will turn out to be a wonderful year for everyone. It is quite natural to look for our answers in the alignment of stars in the sky, especially at difficult times. Best wishes. I am a Cancer and hope to see some good news in here.

Yes the astrology e-book for Cancer is there, and I have faith there will be some positive news. We are approaching eclipse season in the summer and this is when things change energetically, and new gates are opened depending on the type of eclipse. I wish  you well and hope the eclipse energy from june brings you what you need.

Wow! What a great deal for a 30 page personal astrology E-book! It’s great to know what’s in store for your star sign this year and how the energy of the Universe will focus on your finances, love life, career and direction, family or all of it! What makes it more great is that it’s done by a qualified astrologer and numerologist with a diploma in both numerology and astrology. This definitely makes a wonderful gift for any occasion.

wow! I love this e-book , the predictions for Scorpio are good heart-warming.

I will consider getting my nephew one, he has interest in astrology and horoscope . And to think he can have it saved in any of his gadgets will make him happy. Thanks for making it so easy to acquire!.

You’re very welcome! Scorpio is a very interesting energy to study.  Often misunderstood, I wish you and your nephew a great year! Yes he can save it on any device and read it as and when he wants

I’ve been reading more and more about astrology, especially lately, and I find many of the personality traits a little beyond coincidental. In fact, just last night I searched for the highest IQs of all time to see if certain signs are more intelligent than others. Seeing as though I have become more interesting in the subject I am delighted to have come across your post here as it is a really nice breakdown for the year ahead. I think it’s a brilliant idea to provide an e-book for each sign as people like to target the particulars as it applies to him or her. I see that there are some exciting things happening this year, and I can’t wait to check out your links further to see what they are all about, thanks for the info on this year’s signs!

All the best to you! Yes check it out I hope that you find some useful guidance to help 2020 be a success.

This is great, as a virgo I am feeling the push and pull of the universe on me in 2020 so I can’t wait to find out what’s in store for me.  I’m planning a big career move in the fall so hopefully things are aligned for me then.  Also relationships and real estate are all things I’m looking at so this will definitely come in handy. 

Thanks for stopping by! Good luck to you my Virgo friend, there is good energy around this sign from studying the planet transits that impact on Virgo star signs. We have the eclipse season this summer from June, so your plans in the fall could be greatly helped by the new energy coming in around then. Best of luck.

I love everything astrology, i am sure most of the girls are. I also believe in the chart as well. You can find astrology in every culture that is known to man. Thanks for the break down on what to expect in the book. I have to say the price is not that bad at all and I get to save the copy on my computer. Will definitely check it out, cannot wait what I will find 🙂

You’re welcome! Yes you can save it and refer to it whenever you wish to, no problems there.

Very welcome! Yes it does not have to be expense this is great value for money here and detailed. 

Wow, I was deciding what to get my friend for her birthday, she really into star signs and the dynamics with relationships. I think she’s really good at it too 🙂

And I also think I found a perfect gift for her birthday! She’s Lion and I’m a Virgo so I might start with these two and then she can build it from there 🙂

Oh..but her partner is Gemini. Do you think I’d be better to get her Lion and Gemini then?

Hi Kat, thanks for the questions yes, if she is a Leo = Lion then she’d be better off with one for her sign if you wish to get her the gift for her personally. With her Gemini partner by all means yes you could gift it to her also for them. Thanks for your interest.

Hi!  I am a Leo and it looks like a great year for me according to the short resume in your article. From what I could read It all fits so far. This year has so far been all about career. I am not so very into astrology, but a friend set up my horoscope some years ago. I do not understand how to use the information in real life but I find it interesting. Is this PDF ebook you talk about a general horoscope for Leos or a personal horoscope for each buyer? 

Hi Hilda, this is a general one BUT it is not computer generated, it’s based on the energy of the sign. Things like a person’s personal birth chart can be used to give a personalised one based on YOUR chart. For those just see here,on the below link. That said these  astrology e-books here are very valuable and i have had many buyers come back to me for a couple of years for them with positive feedback.

This is quite an interesting read.  Imagine having your own 2020 e-book immediately available in PDF format!. This should indeed an ideal present for one’s self or any of his/her family and friends.

We have Taurus and Libra signs.  It would be interesting and great to learn what our signs have in-store and in front of us this year.  It must have taken you a lot of time and effort researching and writing these in easily understood language.  Thank you for sharing the information.

More power in 2020 and beyond.

Hi there! Yes, it did but it was time well spent and enjoyable. Taurus has an interesting year, as this year this is where one of the key planets that rules over transformation and change is spending all of the year! We all have Taurus in our chart somewhere so it will impact us all, but if you are a Taurus then yes, depending on where in your chart Taurus is the ruler of  there could be slow transformation, in that area of life for sure! It’s  a big year for Taurus star sign.

Awesome page! I was looking for somewhere to get a bit more in-depth reading than just my daily horoscope, and I stumbled here in the search, so glad I did because this seems like a pretty cool deal for such a great amount of info. I am going to get myself the Leo Astrology book and my wife the Aquarius Astrology book 🙂 Perfect timing with the supermoon last night! Thanks a lot!

Hi there,aww wow talking about timing then! Glad you found it. Yes last night’s Super Full Moon was in Libra and was fantastic to see, as I look out tonight the moon is still bright. I wish you and  your wife a great year and hope the astrology e-book gives great insight. And yes, these horoscopes are much more in depth than a newspaper one these are at least 1,000 words covering lots of areas relevant. 

Hi, What an amazing book on Astrology . I personally have learned so much  on how it functions and also the fact that this E-book was written by an Astrologer makes it a must buy. The level of detail is great I really enjoyed it and so far it is making sense to me, thank  you.

You’re welcome and thank you so much for the feedback, have a wonderful year!

Hi there, this is an awesome book  the prediction for Aries, 12 horoscopes for the year. Thank you very detailed and informative looks like there is a lot happening this year . Easy to understand too, I hope to get one for next year. Astrology can be a very useful thing to us all.

You’re welcome, glad you enjoyed it have a wonderful year!

I would first like to mention that this is a helpful post and i am very sure that the content of your superb article will be of much help to a lot of people, just as it has greatly helped me. very good article on ebooks. getting the pdf files means a lot as reading from ebook seems to be better for me. thank you for this article

An article having this quality takes time and energy to develop. most especially when it has to help out people with useful information. i also commend the beautiful website that you have created with nice templates. some of these books can be expensive. i am hoping that the price range of these set will be good. are they?

Thank you for your lovely feedback. Yes the price is just £5.99 which is extremely reasonable for this level of detail!  So grab one  while there are at this hot price. They do take a lot of time to produce, but very worth it.

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