Home Science 6 Surprising Characteristics Men Find Alluring

6 Surprising Characteristics Men Find Alluring

6 Surprising Characteristics Men Find Alluring

It takes little to make men happy, making it even more surprising for ladies to learn things that make men tick. Some of the cutest and most subtle traits can make a man fall head over heels. These simple traits are something few women are aware of, yet their power is undeniable. Playing with your hair might be a reflex and not a trait, but it is loved either way.

Other behaviors make a lady seem crazy but those in the know are aware it is love.

Surprising characteristics that men find alluring begin with subtle features, movements, and sayings. Start with simple things like always throwing your hair back, or tilting your head and a guy is mesmerized. While guys seek to meet a bride from Russia, it’s interesting to note what turns them on.

Check out the characteristics men find alluring to appreciate the few traits nature offers you.

✅ Alluring Smiles

Men love women who smile a lot. This might seem corny but a smile speaks a thousand words and can make or break attraction. It helps to smile even in tough times and smiling when words fail works too. When a lady smiles she makes one thing clear; there is a connection. If she smiles too soon, a guy might see it as a sign of attraction. Either way, this trait of forever smiling attracts the right company and perks.

✅ Body Modifications

Tattoos – though not natural traits, the idea of having tattoos and the attitude it carries is what makes them alluring. Women with daring attitudes and unorthodox approaches to life are attractive and extremely alluring.

✅ Legs

Legs are a great turn, especially with the right shoes. If a lady rocks heels and can walk right, and maintain shapely legs, it’s a plus. Most men enjoy various parts of a lady’s physique, but legs factor highly. The turn-on begins with the idea that strong legs signify passion in bed. It could also mean she is healthy and physically fit to mother kids.

✅ Short Women

Men are especially attracted to women who are shorter than them. This dates back centuries ago. It is also an ego thing when men need to feel superior. It means as a physical trait, even as he meets a spouse, he will be hoping she is shorter. It might be harder seeing as Russian women are usually quite tall.

✅ Small Feet

Women used to break their legs to emphasize femininity. The legs would grow but turn out smaller. This may not be the case nowadays, but men still find small feet adorable. It can be due to the fact most men have large feet, and having a woman with large feet makes men feel emasculated.

✅ Compassionate

Women who love dogs and especially ladies who are family-oriented tend to be extremely attractive. This trait translates to a lady one can take to his family. It implies she would make a great wife, and a great mother. Men love compassionate women because chances are, they won’t be overly aggressive or pick fights. Additionally, compassionate women will not make a dude feel emasculated.

While finding the perfect mate might prove hard, finding perfect traits is easy for men. This is because men have varying desires, perhaps even fetishes. While one man might like a heavy bosom, another appreciates smiles. So keep smiling ladies, plenty of men hope to meet a bride and secure life together.



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