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The Health Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep and How to Get More of It?

The Health Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep and How to Get More of It?

There’s not a single soul out there who hasn’t experienced the negative effects of insufficient sleep. You go to bed late one evening and you wake up the next day feeling cranky and exhausted. This is a familiar scenario for most adults these days. However, if not getting enough sleep turns into a habit, you’ll have more than your morning mood to worry about.

While there are many theories about why we sleep and scientists have yet to unveil many mysteries related to this process, the one thing we know for sure is that sleep is absolutely essential to our health. Therefore, if you care about your physical and mental well-being, you should put sleep high on your priory list. However, we understand that as an adult, getting between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night like the doctor recommends can be quite a challenge.

So, if you’re not already aware of all the ways in which sleep deprivation can impact your health, this article will help you understand just how much you’re risking. And since restful sleep is sometimes elusive, we’ll also share a few tips with you on how to get the ZZZs you need so much.

Why is sleep so important for your health?

There’s a strong correlation between sleep and health, but many people don’t realize what this implies. If you’re thinking it’s all about feeling rested and maintaining good energy levels, you’re in for a surprise, because sleep does a lot more than that.

Improved brain function

There’s a reason why you’re having trouble focusing and remembering things when you don’t get enough sleep. That’s because sleep plays a key role in various aspects of brain function, including cognition, concertation, memory, and productivity. Your brain needs adequate rest in order to perform all these functions properly. So, if you have a big exam coming up, pulling an all-nighter might not be the best idea.

Enhanced athletic performance

If you’re an athlete, you surely know that rest is non-negotiable. You might be able to maintain good performance despite getting insufficient sleep if your sport doesn’t require endurance, but eventually, you’ll start experiencing negative effects regardless. Adequate sleep allows your body to recover after sustained effort and restores your energy levels. It’s also been proven that it can enhance fine motor skills and improve reaction time, both these aspects playing an important role in alethic performance.

Healthy heart

Studies show there’s a direct link between the duration of sleep and blood pressure. To be more specific, people who sleep less are at a higher risk of experiencing high blood pressure than those who get enough sleep. So, if you want to keep heart problems at bay, you should sleep the night away.

Healthy immune system

Your body’s immune system is made of a vast network of cells and proteins that work together to protect you from infection and illness. But in order for your immune system to function properly and ward off germs, viruses, and bacteria, a good night’s sleep is required.

Keeping blood sugar stable

Sleep plays an important role in regulating your blood sugar. A hectic sleep schedule can cause changes in your metabolism, leading to fluctuating blood levels. As a consequence, people who sleep less are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Therefore, making sure you get enough sleep every night will help you keep your blood sugar stable and avoid many health problems.

Keeping mood disorders at bay

Your physical and mental health are closely connected, and sleep has a strong influence on both. Scientists found there’s a link between certain mood disorders such as anxiety or depression and poor sleep quality. So, apart from making you feel refreshed and energized, good sleep is also responsible for maintaining mental health and wellbeing. 

Maintaining a healthy weight

Sleep can also improve your relationship with the scale. If you’re having trouble controlling your appetite or finding the motivation to exercise, you might want to check your sleep schedule. Lack of sleep can increase your cravings as your body is trying to compensate for the lack of energy. To stop this from happening, you have to make sleep a priority.

How to get better sleep at night?

Now that we’ve made our case and hopefully convinced you that you should pay more attention to your sleep habits, let’s see what you can do to improve sleep quality and get the rest you need every night.

Keep a consistent sleep schedule

Going to bed and waking up at the same hour every day will help regulate your circadian rhythm. Your body will get used to this schedule and tell you when it’s time to rest and when to wake up. Therefore, you’ll have fewer problems falling asleep at night and be less tempted to hit the snooze button in the morning, and that will help you get a full night’s sleep.

Create a relaxing environment

Creating a relaxing environment can go a long way in enhancing sleep quality. This implies more than investing in a comfortable mattress and pillow. There are other elements that go into it such as keeping the temperature cool, reducing noise, dimming the lights before you go to bed and sleeping in darkness, or choosing comfy womens pajamas and loungewear. 

Rethink your eating habits

While it’s not recommended to go to bed hungry, it’s also not a good idea to eat and drink right before you sleep. It’s best to avoid eating heavy foods late in the evening, or drinking alcohol as this can interfere with your schedule and affect sleep quality.


Regular exercise can have a positive impact on the duration and quality of sleep. So, apart from staying in good shape, you have one more reason to include physical activity in your daily routine. However, try not to work out right before bedtime if you don’t want to experience the opposite effects.    

Skip naps

Taking a quick nap can help restore energy levels when you’re feeling exhausted, but it can mess up your sleep schedule. It’s best to resist the temptation of taking naps during the day, so you can sleep better at night.



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