Home Science Why Women Post 30 Should Incorporate Exercise in Their Lifestyle?

Why Women Post 30 Should Incorporate Exercise in Their Lifestyle?

Why Women Post 30 Should Incorporate Exercise in Their Lifestyle?

If you are naturally gifted with an incredible physique and never felt the need to work out in your 20s, then it does not mean you should skip it forever. Stepping into your 30s is like a milestone that should be celebrated without any hesitation. Age is indeed just a number until you know how to maintain yourself. Having said that, you will experience changes in your body slowly. You will feel less energetic and more lethargic. Your skin may start losing its shine and hair its luster. This is because your body is giving you a signal that it needs more attention than before. Don’t be scared when these things happen, as it is not too late. It is a great practice to start taking care of yourself in your 20s itself.

Where to Start?

Proper nutrition is another essential factor for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While joining a Ladies Gym is the right way to go about it, do not forget to eat a balanced diet. While cardio is what most women prefer to do in the gym, assuming a fast-paced workout is better, that is actually not true. You need to incorporate strength training as well in the regime. After all, increasing muscle not just increases your metabolism but also does not let your skin become loose. Cardio helps to lose extra pounds but might cause stretch marks and make your skin lose. Strength training, on the other hand, helps keep the muscles flexed, and increased muscle mass benefits your overall health. A significant advantage is that you will not quickly regain the lost weight.

What Should You Aim For?

Your goal should not be to lose weight. Instead, focus on gaining fitness. The parameter that measures your health should not be your weight but your fitness level. Do a fitness test now and then to understand how much you have progressed. You aim to improve your stamina and keep yourself healthy rather than just following an unhealthy routine to achieve some lower number on the weighing scale.

Starting the regime is essential, but not just that; you should start it right and not fall into the traps of any fads.

Is It Too Late?

Your metabolism is directly related to your lean muscle mass. Have you heard that your metabolism stalls at a later age and muscle mass slowly shrinks? That is true to some extent, but you can stop that and even reverse it with regular exercise and a good diet. As women are immersed in taking care of their family and handling their growing careers, their health takes a backseat, which is really bad. Most women regret doing that in their 40s. Instead of lamenting it, you should start prioritizing your health over everything. 

It is never late to start anything new, especially when it is about your health. Women who ignore their health in their 30s are more prone to developing lifestyle-related disorders such as PCOD, diabetes, hypertension, and increased cholesterol. While these may not seem a threat, they can become life-threatening over time if not dealt with carefully. Instead of suffering from such disorders, better avoid them entirely by maintaining your health. After all, good health ensures good quality of life.



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