Tag: mentorship

The Importance of Mentorship in the Entrepreneurial Journey

Starting and running a business can be a challenging and overwhelming process, especially for those who are doing it for the first time. That’s...

Establishing a Foundation for Mentorship

In January, we celebrate National Mentoring Month. Mentorship provides us with valuable lessons and helps to unlock our full potential. Throughout my career, I’ve...

Moulding Leaders

As much as you may want to be at the center of everything going on at your company, at some point, it won’t be...

As More Women Enter Science, It’s Time to Redefine Mentorship

And it can be invaluable to have a supporter “in whose shoes you walk, or are likely to walk,” says Nilanjana Dasgupta, director of...

High schoolers discover four exoplanets through mentorship program

They may be the youngest astronomers to make a discovery yet. This week, 16-year-old Kartik Pinglé and 18-year-old Jasmine Wright have co-authored a peer-reviewed paper...

Potluck With Purpose: New Mentorship Network By Start-Up CEOs Connects CPG Leaders With BIPOC Talent

Mentoring is an essential ingredient for career advancement. Study after study supports the notion that both mentees and mentors get promoted faster and more...

5 Decisions That Will Increase Your Chances Of Building A Successful Startup

Turning an idea into a valuable solution that makes a difference is a feeling that is worth every ......

Who’s Your Mamaw? Eight Leaders Reveal Who Guides Them During Trying Times

Who guides YOU when times are tough? Getty When attorney Russ Riddle faces a tough situation,...

Trailblazers: Janice Omadeke, CEO Of The Mentor Method

Janice Omadeke This Trailblazers series takes a look at the pivotal milestones that make up the life trails...

Trailblazers: Mary Nguyen – Engineer And STEM Blogger

OwnTrail This Trailblazers series takes a look at the pivotal milestones that make up the life trails...

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